1. This is a book whose verses are detailed
With pearls that adorned necklaces of jewels
١. هذا كِتابٌ فُصِّلت آياتُهُ
بِفَرائدٍ أَزرَت عُقودَ الجَوهَرِ
2. Its rhymes surpassed the intervals when they came
With eloquent words embellished with rhetoric
٢. فاقَت فَواصِلُه القَوافي إِذ أَتَتْ
بِبَديعِ لَفظٍ بِالبَيانِ محبَّرِ
3. Alexander dictated therein wisdoms
That Aristotle did not tire of instilling in Alexander
٣. أَملى بِهِ الإسكندرُ الحِكَمَ الَّتي
لَم يَملِ آرسطو عَلى الاسكندرِ
4. Wisdoms that benefit the people of wisdom in an hour
What their lifelong experiences do not benefit them
٤. حِكَمٌ تُفيد ذَوي النُهى في ساعةٍ
ما لا تُفيدُهُمُ تَجارُبِ أَدهُرِ
5. He gifted the ideas of scholars fragrance
From a garden of thought fruitful with eloquence
٥. أَهدى لِأَفكارِ الملا رَيحانةً
مِن رَوضِ فكرٍ بِالبَلاغةِ مُثمِرِ
6. There appeared to us examples like a bride adorned
With the ink of eloquence under masterful composition
٦. بَرَزَت لَنا مِثل العَروسِ تَزينُها
حِبَرُ الفَصاحةِ تَحتَ رَقمٍ عَبقَري
7. Arabic in dress, within its cloak
A virgin of foreign origin in concealment
٧. عَربيةُ السِّربالِ ضِمنَ وَشاحِها
بِكرٌ مِن الأَعجامِ ذاتُ تَسَتُّرِ
8. It spoke of the inventor of hadith and was purified
In what it narrated of the stance of the slanderer
٨. نَطَقَت بِمُختَرعِ الحَديثِ وَنُزِّهَت
فيما رَوتْهُ عَن مَقامِ المُفتَري
9. To its wise originator, for how many appeared from him
Ingenuities of wisdom that cannot be denied
٩. لِلّهِ مُنشِئها اللَبيب فَكَم بَدَت
مِنهُ نَوابغُ حِكمةٍ لَم تُنكَرِ
10. What eluded those who came before has arrived
So we say merit belongs to the latecomer
١٠. قَد جاءَ ما فاتَ الذينَ تَقَدَّموا
فَلِذاكَ قُلنا الفَضلُ لِلمُتَأَخِّرِ