
This is the beloved of the country, our master who

هذا عزيز القطر مولانا الذي

1. This is the beloved of the country, our master who
Inherited the rule, the greatest from the greatest,

١. هَذا عَزيزُ القَطرِ مَولانا الَّذي
وَرِثَ الإِمارةَ أَكبَراً عَن أَكبَرِ

2. The flags are elated with his image, and below it
He appears depicted in hearts as an image,

٢. تَزهو بَصورَتِهِ الطُروسُ وَدونَها
يَبدو بِرَسمٍ في القُلوب مُصَورِ

3. With an ascending star which eyes yearn for its beauty,
And an awe that has humbled the eyes of the beholder,

٣. ذُو طَلعةٍ تَهوى النَواظرُ حُسنَها
وَمَهابَةٍ غَضَّت عُيونُ المُبصِرِ

4. Like the sun it defies the glance of its viewer, so
It allowed him only the first glance.

٤. كَالشَمسِ شاقَت طَرفَ ناظِرِها فَما
سَمحت لَهُ إَلّا بأَوَّلِ مَنظَرِ