1. Leave the social gathering of the languid fair ones,
And the passion of their languishing gazelles.
١. دَع مَجلس الغِيدِ الأَوانِسْ
وَهَوى لَواحِظِها النَواعِسْ
2. Pass the cups around, circling,
A steady flow like swaying boughs.
٢. واسلُ الكُؤوسَ يُديرُها
رَشأٌ كَغُصنِ البانِ مائِسْ
3. Leave luxury in clothes,
Drinks, furnishings and robes.
٣. وَدَعِ التَنَعُّمَ بِالمَطا
عِمِ وَالمَشاربِ وَالمَلابسْ
4. What joy for one who spends
His days sitting on the carpet of disgrace?
٤. أَيُّ النَعيمِ لِمَن يَبي
تُ عَلى بِساط الذُلِّ جالسْ
5. Who sees himself in endless woe
At the Turks' beck and call.
٥. وَلِمَن تَراهُ بائِساً
أَبداً لِذَيلِ التُركِ بائسْ
6. Who is tested by the palm
Of his enemy's injustice, in despair.
٦. وَلِمَن أَزمّته بِكَفْ
فِ عِداهُ يَظلمُ وَهُوَ آئسْ
7. Whose day brings only loss,
Nothing left but petty gain.
٧. وَلِمَن غَدا في الرِّقِ لَيْ
سَ يَفوتُهُ إِلّا المناخِسْ
8. Who sees his rights bartered
His blood sold in vile trade.
٨. وَلِمَن تُباعُ حقُوقُهُ
وَدِماؤُهُ بَيع الخَسائِسْ
9. Who sees his homelands
Laid waste, with crumbling ruins.
٩. وَلِمَن يَرى أَوطانَهُ
خَرَباً وَأَطلالاً دَوارِسْ
10. Grief has clothed the bright-faced
Maidens, once like lovely brides.
١٠. كُسِيَتْ شُحوبُ الثاكِلا
تِ وَكُنَّ قَبلاً كَالعَرائِسْ
11. My friend, your elegy moves me
Among their lofty, splendid tents.
١١. عُجْ بي فَدَيتُكَ نادِباً
ما بَينَ أَرسُمِها الطَوامِسْ
12. Question the ruins about
The might that filled those encampments,
١٢. وَاِستَنطِقِ الآثارَ عَمْ
ما كانَ في تِلكَ البَسابِسْ
13. The glory that subdued
Tyrants, the terrible giants.
١٣. مِن عِزّةٍ كانَت تَذِلْ
لُ لَها الجَبابِرةُ الأَشاوِسْ
14. The brave battalions that raged
Against their overwhelming onslaught.
١٤. وَكَتائبٍ كانَت تَها
بُ لِقاءَ سَطوَتِها المَتارِسْ
15. The strongholds made bold
By horsemen and guardians.
١٥. وَمَعاقِلٍ كانَت تُعَزْ
زُ بِالطَلائعِ وَالمحارِسْ
16. The singing cities adorned
With knights and steeds.
١٦. وَمَدائنٍ غَنَّاءَ قَد
كانَت تَحفُّ بِها الفَرادِسْ
17. Where are the markets, industry,
Offices and schools?
١٧. أَينَ المَتاجِرُ وَالصَنا
ئِعُ وَالمَكاتبُ وَالمَدارِسْ
18. Where are the farmlands and orchards
That thrived on the open range?
١٨. بَل أَينَ هاتيكَ المُرو
جُ بِها المَزارعُ وَالمَغارِسْ
19. They are gone, and you see only
Sorrows to trouble the thoughts.
١٩. بَل أَينَ هاتيكَ الأُلو
فُ بِها فَسيحُ البرِّ آنِسْ
20. A howling wilderness where no
Sad voice of a settler is heard,
٢٠. هَلِكوا فَلَستَ تَرى سِوى
عِبَرٍ تَثور بِها الهَواجِسْ
21. Save the winds of injustice that sweep
And scour it like brooms.
٢١. بيدٌ صَوامَتُ لَيسَ يُس
مَعُ في مَداها صَوتُ نابِسْ
22. It has become a wasteland, seen only
Through downcast eyes.
٢٢. إِلّا رِياحَ الجورِ تَكْ
سَحُ وَجهَها كَسحَ المَكانِسْ
23. It laughed once, then turned
Sullen, frowning and desolate.
٢٣. أَمسَت بَلاقِعَ لا تُرى
إِلّا بِأَبصارٍ نَواكِسْ
24. Angry at mankind, it adopted
Wild beasts for guardians.
٢٤. ضَحِكَت زَماناً ثُم عا
دَت وَهيَ كالحةٌ عَوابِسْ
25. When humans approach, it crushes them
With the stomp of a transgressor.
٢٥. غَضِبَت عَلى الإِنسانِ وَاِتْ
تَخَذَت عَلَيها الوَحشَ حارِسْ
26. These are the dwellings of a people, now gone,
Our tribe, content with little.
٢٦. فَإِذا أَتاها الإِنس را
ح يَدوسها دَوسَ المُخالِسْ
27. They passed away just as they passed their days,
While the best of goods went to the rival.
٢٧. هَذِهْ مَنازلُ مَن مَضَوا
مِن قَومنا الصِّيدِ القَناعِسْ
28. What can we expect after them,
Other than the onslaught of horsemen?
٢٨. دَرَست كَما دَرَسوا وَقَد
ذَهَبَ النَفيسُ مَعَ المُنافِسْ
29. My people, to you I say: discard
Your burdens and loyalties!
٢٩. ماذا نُؤمِّلُ بَعدَهُم
إِلّا مُقارَعَةَ الفَوارِسْ
30. Take the example of others not like you,
The resolute, determined nation.
٣٠. فَإِلَيكُمُ يا قَوم وَاِطْ
طَرِحوا المُدالِس وَالمُوالِسْ
31. Their vanguards surged forth, followed by
Every strong and practiced spearman.
٣١. وَتَشَبَّهوا بِفعَال غَيْ
رِكُمُ مِنَ القَومِ الأَحامِسْ
32. They left the Turkish hordes
Battered by overwhelming defeat.
٣٢. بَعَصائبٍ أَنِفُوا فَجا
دوا بِالنُفوسِ وَبِالنَفائِسْ
33. They filled the lowlands with their bodies,
Every head a crushing blow.
٣٣. هَبَتْ طَلائِعُهُم يَلِي
هَا كُلُّ صَنديدٍ مُمارِسْ
34. Take as an example for yourselves
Those stout-hearted men of principle.
٣٤. تَرَكوا جُموعَ التُركِ تَعْ
صِفُ فَوقَها النَكُبُ الرَوامِسْ
35. Are you not the noble Arabs,
While they are the rabble, the sneezing mob?
٣٥. مَلأوا البطاحَ بِهِم فَدا
سَ عَلى الجَماجِمِ كُلُّ دائسْ
36. So rouse against them a fire
To frighten every slumbering coward.
٣٦. فَخُذوا لِأَنفُسِكُم مِثا
لَ أولئِكَ القَومِ المَداعِسْ
37. Against them, unite as one,
All of you, every one a comrade to the rest.
٣٧. أَوَلَستُمُ العربَ الكِرا
مَ وَمَن هُمُ الشمَّ المَعاطِسْ
38. Leave off the talk of the partisan
Elders and peddlers of rumors.
٣٨. فَاِستَوقَدوا لِقتالِهِم
ناراً تَروِّعُ كُلَّ قابِسْ
39. They are hypocrites posing as
Devout men, nothing but impostors.
٣٩. وَعَلَيهِمُ اِتَّحِدوا فكُلْ
لُكُمُ لِكُلِّكُمُ مجانِسْ
40. Walking among you beneath
Religious garb and clerical robes.
٤٠. وَدَعوا مَقال ذَوي الشِّقا
قِ مِنَ المَشايخِ وَالقَمامِسْ
41. The worst of evil lurks
Between the turban and skullcap.
٤١. فَهُمُ رِجالُ اللَهِ في
كُم بَل هُمُ القَومَ الأَبالِسْ
42. Their sly designs creep among you
With intrigues and temptations.
٤٢. يَمشون بَينَ ظُهورِكُم
تَحتَ الطَيالِس وَالأَطالِسْ
43. Among you, each day, zealotry wages
A war of destruction unseen.
٤٣. فَالشَرُّ كُلُّ الشَرِّ ما
بَينَ العَمائِم وَالقَلانِسْ
44. They spread hatred and enmity,
Suspicion and incitement.
٤٤. دَبَّتْ عَقارِبَهُم إِلَيْ
كُم بِالمَفاسِدِ وَالدَسائِسْ
45. They scattered your unity
As palm fronds are scattered.
٤٥. في كُلِّ يَومٍ بَينَكُم
يَصلى التَعَصُب حَربَ داحِسْ
46. Through them, corruption thrives
And the Turks prevail unchallenged.
٤٦. يُلقُونَ بَينَكُمُ التَبا
غُضَ وَالعَداوةَ وَالوَساوِسْ
47. A people who have judged you
As falcon judges its prey.
٤٧. نَثَروا اِتحادَكُمُ كَما
نُثِرَت مِن النَخلِ الكَبائِسْ
48. And the wolves of oppression
Hunt you with jaws agape.
٤٨. سادَ الفَسادُ بِهِمْ فَسا
دَ التُّركَ فيهِ بَلا مُعاكِسْ
49. How long will you ponder their reform
When their nature is decadent?
٤٩. قَومٌ لَقَد حَكَموا بِكُم
حُكمَ الجَوارحِ في الفَرائِسْ
50. Dazzled by the mirage of hope,
Though the night of despair remains.
٥٠. وَعدَتْ عَوادي البَغيِ تَعْ
رِقُكُم بِأَنيابٍ نَواهِسْ
51. Do you not see power held
In the hands of oppressors and tyrants?
٥١. كَم تَأمَلونَ صَلاحَهُم
وَلَهُم فَسادُ الطَبعِ سائِسْ
52. On bribery and fraud they built
Courts and councils.
٥٢. وَيَغرُّكُم بَرقُ المُنى
جَهلاً وَلَيلُ اليَأسِ دامِسْ
53. Truth belongs to those habituated
To betrayal and deceit.
٥٣. أَو ما تَرونَ الحُكمَ في
أَيدي المَصادِرِ وَالمماكِسُ
54. All who blanch when reform
Is mentioned in their presence.
٥٤. وَعَلى الرِّشَى وَالزُّورِ قَد
شادوا المَحاكِمَ وَالمَجالِسْ
55. Their disgrace has spread, beyond
What the keenest minds can grasp.
٥٥. وَالحَقُّ أَصبَحَ عِندَ مَن
أَلِفَ الخَلاعةَ وَالخَلابِسْ
56. It is a state where treachery thrives
And death scowls with hatred.
٥٦. مِن كُلِّ مَن يُمسي إِذا
ذَكَروا لَهُ الإِصلاحَ خانِسْ
57. Where shedding blood is permitted,
Its outpouring urged by injustice.
٥٧. عَمّت قَبائِحَهُم فَأَمْ
سَتْ لا تُحيطُ بِها الفَهارِسْ
58. Secrecy prevails, so one lives to see
Laws turn white-haired with age.
٥٨. حالٌ بِها طابَ التَّبَسْ
سُمُ لِلوَغى وَالمَوتُ عابِسْ
59. This is my attempt at translating and preserving the poem from Arabic to English. Let me know if you would like me to clarify or expand on any part of the translation.
٥٩. وَحَلا بِها بَذلُ الدِما
ءِ فَسَفكُها لِلجورِ حابِسْ
٦٠. برحَ الخَفاءُ وَمَن يَعِشْ
يَرَ ما تَشيبُ لَهُ القَوانِسْ