
A painting of Michael the painter who

رمس ليمخائيل دهان الذي

1. A painting of Michael the painter who
The eyes wept for him with the tears of his kin

١. رَمسٌ لِيمخائيلَ دهّانَ الَّذي
بَكَتِ العُيونُ لَهُ بِأَدمُعِ آلِهِ

2. And passed away at the age of thirteen leaving behind
Sorrow that will fade before its fading

٢. وَلَّى بسنِّ ثلاثَ عَشرةَ تارِكاً
حُزناً يَزولُ الدَهرُ قَبلَ زَوالِهِ

3. He went towards his father George seeking
And attained paradise thus tasting its pure drink

٣. قَد سارَ نَحوَ أَبيهِ جِرجِسَ طالِباً
وَرَدَ النَعيمَ فَنالَ صَفوَ زُلالِهِ

4. And for his sake the historian wrote saying
A moon which eclipse came upon it before its perfection

٤. وَلأجلهِ كَتَبَ المُؤرِّخُ قائِلاً
قَمَرٌ أَتاهُ الخَسفُ قَبلَ كَمالِهِ