
The one you adore has been won

إن التي نجلك قد نالها

1. The one you adore has been won
By another, not me, whom you've shunned

١. إنَّ التي نُجلُكَ قد نَالها
غيرُ التي قد نلتَها منّي

2. My boy you're a man - how you've grown!
Your father was right, I'm outdone

٢. فتى أبوه أَنت نعم الفتى
صدّق والده ظني

3. Born worthless, with honour you're clad
A worthy opponent you've had

٣. أَلَمْ تكنْ لا شيءَ حتى إذا
نسَلتَه أَصبحت ذا شأنِ

4. Your triumphs all stem from the fact
That a cockerel once filled your dad

٤. وكل عزٍّ لَكَ تُزهى به
أنك كنتَ الديكَ في القُنّ

5. So say to your genius of a son
As my envoy these words to him run

٥. قلْ لابنِكَ النابغِ في علمه
مقالةً يَنْقلها عنّي

6. Fortune's wheel is a fickle old crone
Who gives roots as gifts to the cones

٦. يقوّل الدهر أساليبه
فصار يُمني الأصلَ للغصنِ