1. The one you adore has been won
By another, not me, whom you've shunned
١. إنَّ التي نُجلُكَ قد نَالها
غيرُ التي قد نلتَها منّي
2. My boy you're a man - how you've grown!
Your father was right, I'm outdone
٢. فتى أبوه أَنت نعم الفتى
صدّق والده ظني
3. Born worthless, with honour you're clad
A worthy opponent you've had
٣. أَلَمْ تكنْ لا شيءَ حتى إذا
نسَلتَه أَصبحت ذا شأنِ
4. Your triumphs all stem from the fact
That a cockerel once filled your dad
٤. وكل عزٍّ لَكَ تُزهى به
أنك كنتَ الديكَ في القُنّ
5. So say to your genius of a son
As my envoy these words to him run
٥. قلْ لابنِكَ النابغِ في علمه
مقالةً يَنْقلها عنّي
6. Fortune's wheel is a fickle old crone
Who gives roots as gifts to the cones
٦. يقوّل الدهر أساليبه
فصار يُمني الأصلَ للغصنِ