
The utmost of your fortune is that you are wronged,

أغاية حظك أن تظلما

1. The utmost of your fortune is that you are wronged,
And the consequence of your youth is that you are pitied.

١. أغايةُ حظّك أن تُظلماَ
وعُقبى شبابك أن يُرحَمَا

2. I seek refuge for you from flowing tears,
And the like of your youth that is wept over with blood.

٢. أُعيذك من أدمعٍ جارياتٍ
ومثلُ شبابك يُبكَى دما

3. And from the misery of life, he said:
“No! Indeed the graves are the path to heaven.”

٣. ومن نكد العيش قول الذي قا
لَ إن القبورَ طريقُ السَّما

4. Is there in the grave anything but withered bones
And in the grave anything but overwhelming darkness?

٤. أفي القبر غيرُ عظام رميمٍ
وفي القبر غير دجىً خيّما

5. We and our forefathers before us were miserable.
So they became as we will become.

٥. شَقينا وآباؤنا قبلنا
فصاروا ونحن نصير لِمَا

6. It is death, so shed tears for it,
And if you wish, shed your blood for it when it comes.

٦. هُوَ الموت فابذُل له أدمعاً
وإِن شئت فابذُل له عَنْدَما

7. For tears will not bring back a beloved,
And blood will not gain spoils.

٧. فليست تردّ الدموعُ حَبيباً
ولست تجُرّ الدِّما مَغْنما

8. Lessen your weeping after Al-‘Abbas, verily I
Saw that weeping for him is more honorable.

٨. أقِلّ البكا بعد عباسَ إِني
رأيت بُكا حظّه أكرما

9. And he whose fortune was not in life,
For him it is more befitting to submit with honor.

٩. ومن لم يكن حظه في الحياة
لَهُ مُسعِداُ عزّ أن يسلما

10. The life of the youth is the secret of this existence,
And from the vanity of fate that you understand.

١٠. حياة الفتى سرُّ هذا الوجودِ
ومِن عبث الدهر أن تفهما

11. Peace be upon Al-‘Abbas’ grave! Verily I
Stood by it with the most painful stance.

١١. سلام على قبر عباسَ إِني
وقفت به الموقفَ المؤلِما

12. I stood by it, humble and anguished,
Bidding him farewell, unwilling and forced.

١٢. وقفت به خاشعاً جزعاً
أُودّعُه مُكرَها مرغَما

13. Patience did not betray me regarding him, but
I found my weeping for him more steadfast.

١٣. وما خانني الصبر فيه ولكن
وجدت بكائي له أحزما

14. I wept for the tenderness of my youth, and I
Will weep for the most generous companion.

١٤. بكَيتُ رقيقَ شبابي وإني
لأَبكي به الصاحبَ الأَكرما

15. A companion of youth whose company did not last long
Until his sweetness turned bitter.

١٥. رفيق صباً لم يطُل عهدُه
إلى أن غدا حلوُه عَلقما

16. His approval quenched my thirst, but when I was alert,
My heart complained of thirst.

١٦. سقاني رِضاه فلما صَحَوتُ
إذا بفؤاديَ يشكو الظَما

17. Oh woe to my fortune after youth!
And the fortune of youth has become nonexistent.

١٧. فيا ويحَ حظيَ بعد الشبابِ
وحظُّ الشباب غدا معدَمَا

18. And he whom loss afflicted in his youth
Perceives his youth as gloomy for him.

١٨. ومن فَجَعتْهُ المُنَى في صباه
تراءى صِباه له مظلِما

19. My companion of youth! Where is the era of brotherhood?
Was loyalty to be wronged?

١٩. رفيقَ الصبا أين عهدُ الإخاء
أَكان الوفاءُ بأن أُظْلَما

20. I do not claim injustice regarding your affection,
I seek refuge for your love from being blemished.

٢٠. حنانَيكَ لا أدّعي الظلمَ فيكَ
أُعيذ ودادك أن يُلَثما

21. You were my aide and my right hand,
And I was to you the honored brother.

٢١. لقد كنتَ لي ساعدي ويميني
وكنتُ لديكَ الأخَ المكرَما

22. For if misfortunes made me grieve for you,
They did not change my enamored heart.

٢٢. فإن فَجَعتني بك الحادثاتُ
فما غيَّرتْ قلبيَ المُغرَما

23. I remembered you, I do not forget a time
We enjoyed, a blessed time.

٢٣. ذكرتُكَ ما أَنسىَ عهداً
نعِمْنا به زمناً منعما

24. On the bank of the Nile, from a meadow
To a meadow, like the birds of sanctuaries.

٢٤. على شاطئ النيل من روضةٍ
إلى روضة كطيورِ الحِمى

25. Frolicking, we roamed in its shade,
Laughing in heart and mouth.

٢٥. طروبَين نسرَحُ في ظِلّه
ضحوكَينِ قَلْباً به وفما

26. Yes, we were safe at night, but
We saw the recompense of one who surrenders.

٢٦. بلى سالَمَتْنَا الليالي ولكنْ
أَرتنا جزاءَ الذي استسلما

27. They say Al-‘Abbas is lonely in my estrangement,
Befriended by doves, so he will not be protected.

٢٧. يقولون عباس في غربتي
عداه الحِمام فلن يُعصَما

28. Oh my anguish over the turns of time!
The beloved dies and will not be kissed.

٢٨. فوا لهفي من صروف الزمانِ
يموتُ الحبيبُ ولن يلثما

29. Oh soul of Al-‘Abbas! Where could you be
In this vastness? Or have you reached the heavens?

٢٩. فيا روح عباس أين تكونين
في ذا الفضا أم بلغت السَّما

30. In the world of light like the stars
Do you shine? Or in darkness gloomier?

٣٠. أفي عالمِ النور مثل النجومِ
تضيئين أم في دجى أظلما

31. Look upon us and confide in us
The secret of existence, so we may know.

٣١. أطِلّي علينا وبُوحي لنا
بِسرّ الوجودِ لكي نعلما

32. Is there in the universe a Lord we complain to?
While your Lord was more merciful to us.

٣٢. أفي الكونِ ربٌ فنشكو له
وربُّك كان بنا أرحما

33. Or is the universe nothing, we live and vanish,
And the soul in the living is only the blood?

٣٣. أم الكون لا شيءَ نحيا ونفنى
وما الروح في الحيّ إلاّ الدّما

34. Look, answer, enlighten us,
For it is time, oh soul, for us to understand!

٣٤. أطلي أجيبي أشيري لنا
فقد آن يا روحُ أن نفهما

35. You whispered to your Lord in His kingdom,
And said to Him, have mercy, before...

٣٥. أَناجيتِ ربَّك في مُلكِهِ
وقلتِ له رحمةً قبلما

36. I have a father, tired by the nights,
And a mother who will suffer sorrow after me.

٣٦. فلي والدٌ أعجزته الليالي
وأمٌّ ستقضي أسىً بعدما

37. And I have a daughter, not yet two years old,
If I die, she will not be safe.

٣٧. ولي طفلة لم تَحُزْ سنَتَينِ
إذا أَنا مُتُّ فلن تَسْلَما

38. Al-‘Abbas, sleep peacefully, reassured,
For the matter of being wronged is decreed.

٣٨. أعباس نَمْ آمِناً مستريحاً
فقد قُضِي الأمرُ أن تُظلَما

39. And who will inform Hind in Egypt that I
Saw lamenting for her as most honorable?

٣٩. ومن مبلغٌ هند في مصر أني
رأيتُ التأسي بها أكرما

40. If Hind disbelieves in her Lord,
Then your Lord, O Hind, will not have mercy.

٤٠. إذا كفرت هند في ربّها
فربكِ يا هندُ لن يَرْحَمَا

41. Al-‘Abbas says: Sleep in peace,
A beloved bid farewell at his grave in peace.

٤١. يقول لعباس نَمْ بسلامٍ
حبيبٌ على قبره سَلَّما

42. And O grave of Al-‘Abbas, be gentle
To his body, do not be painful.

٤٢. ويا قبرَ عباس كن ليّناً
على جِسمِهِ لا تكن مؤلِما

43. A youth, his garment filled with chastity,
Unmarried, smiling face,

٤٣. فتى ملء بردتِهِ عِفّةٌ
طليقٌ محياَ ضحوكٌ فما

44. Lived thirty years in fruitless life,
And when he reached it, he passed away forced.

٤٤. أيبلو الحياة ثلاثين عاماً
ولما بَلَتْهُ قضى مرغما

45. Your grave was watered by flowing tears,
Else my heart would have watered it with blood.

٤٥. سقت قبرَك الأدمعُ الجارياتُ
وإلاّ سقاه فؤادي الدما