
You fell silent, no longer speaking,

سكت عييا فلم تنطق

1. You fell silent, no longer speaking,
Though your eloquent speech was dear to me.

١. سكتَّ عَيِيّاً فلم تنطُقِ
وعهدي بكَ الشيّق المنطقِ

2. This silence of yours is your final lesson -
A lesson for the pious, given mutely.

٢. أآخرُ وعظِك هذا السكوتُ
تريدُ به عِظةَ المتّقي

3. In life you guided, exhorting righteousness,
But when death's summons came, you showed no pity.

٣. وعظتَ فأرشدت حيّاً فلمّا
عَدَتْكَ المنون فلم ترفقِ

4. In death, your silence speaks more powerfully
Than loftiest words of wisdom for the upright.

٤. إذا بك في الموتِ أَبلغُ قولاً
وأسمى عظاتٍ لِمَن يَتّقي

5. Each soul has a fixed term of life -
None can resist it or seek immunity.

٥. لكلّ امرئٍ أجَلٌ في الحياةِ
فلا عاصِمٌ منه أو ما يقي

6. Many desire reward, and walk its path,
Though the steep slope fills their hearts with fright.

٦. ألاَ رُبَّ حيّ يودُّ الثوابَ
فسارَ إليه على موثقِ

7. Of noble traits, the best in one we prize
Is a tongue that's modest and a heart that's white.

٧. وإنَّ أجلَّ صفاتِ الكريمِ
لسانٌ عفيفٌ وقلبٌ نقي

8. We knew you as transmitter of hadith -
Did you ever speak, yet fail to speak the right?

٨. عهِدناك راويةً للحديثِ
فهل قلتَ يوماً فلم تصدُقِ

9. Though foes opposed you constantly, you stayed calm,
Showing no vexation, and no rage or spite.

٩. وكنتَ يُناوئك الشانِئون
فلم تَتَسخَّطْ ولم تحنَقِ

10. You taught those who would learn, and freely gave
Knowledge, like clouds that rain in days of blight.

١٠. تُعَلّمُ مَ يستفيدُك عِلماً
فتسخُو به كالحيَا المُغدِقِ

11. For faith, Imam, were you not its sturdiest pillar,
And staunchest champion in each trying fight?

١١. وهل كنتَ للدِين يا شيخَهُ
سوى رُكنِهِ الأمتنِ الأوثَقِ

12. You renounced the world, shunning all but God -
Devoted to your Lord with all your might.

١٢. تَزَهَّدتَ للهِ زُهدَ تقيّ
أبرَّ بمولاه مستوثِقِ

13. When ninety years had passed, and medicine
Could not avail, you neared your final night.

١٣. فلمّا انقضى بك تِسعُون عاماً
وعَزَّ الدواءُ على المشفِقِ

14. You faced death undismayed, steadfast of soul,
Showing no panic or intent to flight.

١٤. دَنَوْت من الموتِ ثَبتَ الجَنانِ
فلم تتهيَّبْ ولم تفرَقِ

15. How remarkable your heart remained so vast,
Though now it rests in a narrow grave bed tight.

١٥. عجِبتُ لصدرِكَ وهو الرحيبُ
يُوَسَّدُ في قبرِكَ الضّيقِ

16. Peace be upon you! Let all who would be wise
Send blessings to your name, that shines so bright.

١٦. سلامٌ عليكَ ومن يَعتبِرْ
يُسلّمْ على ذكرك الشيّقِ

17. Your soul has rights upon the Abode of Peace.
Patience, for those left behind, is true delight.

١٧. لَروحُك أولى بدار البقا
ولَلصَّبْرُ أجملُ فيمن بَقي