
I was reminded of flowers, so they reminded me

تذكرت الزهور فذكرتني

1. I was reminded of flowers, so they reminded me
Of my eloquence, beauty, and youth

١. تذكَرتُ الزهور فذكَّرتْني
بَيانِي والجُمَيّلَ والشَّبابا

2. Three things that were the blessings of nights
Today they have become despair and estrangement

٢. ثلاثٌ كنَّ من نعم الليالي
غدونَ اليوم يأساً واغترابا

3. A brother in Egypt reciprocated loyalty
With sincerity like his nature, meaning and goodness

٣. أخٌ في مصر بادلني ولاءً
صفا كطباعه معنىً وطابا

4. If days gather us together again
We will attain, through flowers, the object of desire

٤. إذا جَمَعَتْ لنا الأيامُ شملاً
بلغنا بالزهورِ منىً عِذابا

5. And youth has gone, so it was as if
We changed from gray hair to dye

٥. وقد ذَهَب الشبابُ فكان أَنَّا
تبدّلْنَا من الشَّيبِ الخضَابا

6. I lied to myself about it with myself
Fearing that time would say "a youth"

٦. كذبتُ به على نفسي بنفسي
مخافةَ أن تقول الغيدُ شابا

7. If you ramble reluctantly in metaphors
Take fiction and leave truthfulness

٧. إذا استرسلتَ كرهاً في مجازٍ
فخُذْ بالوهم واتَّرِكِ الصوابا