
He walked with time and its generations

مشى مع الدهر وأجياله

1. He walked with time and its generations
May God protect and care for him

١. مشى مع الدهرِ وأجيالِهِ
يكلأُهُ اللهُ ويرعاهُ

2. And the world reads its legends about him
In scripts written in its folds

٢. وتقرأ الدنيا أساطيرها
مدوّناتٍ في حَناياه

3. Like sequels, story by story
As if the pages were mouths

٣. مسلسلاتٍ قصّةً قصةً
كأنّما الأوراقُ أفواهُ

4. So Fakhr al-Din one day when he was done
Glory and grandeur came to him

٤. فَيَّأْ فخرَ الدين يَومَ انتهى
منه إليه العزُّ والجاهُ

5. Greater than Fakhr al-Din was any prince
Glory embraced him and was his brother

٥. أعظِمْ بفخرِ الدينِ من سيّدٍ
صاحَبَهُ المجدُ وآخاهُ

6. Victory revealed to him its verses
He believed the revelation and dictated it

٦. أوحى إليه النَّصرُ أياتِهِ
فصدّقَ الوَحيَ فأملاهُ

7. Dictated it with the sword to his troops
His messengers were his elite guard

٧. أملاه بالسيفِ على جُنده
فكانت الرسْلَ سَراياهُ

8. We compete with the East for its history
And match it in the West with his remembrance

٨. ننافِس الشرقَِ بتأريخه
ونَجْبَهُ الغربَ بذكراهُ

9. I swear by the cedars and their history
I will recount fully his glory

٩. حلَفتُ بالأرز وتأريخه
أقصاهُ في المجد لأقصاهُ

10. And by the Mount Lebanon mountains around him
That touch the stars on their peaks

١٠. وبالجبالِ الشُّمّ من حولِهِ
تُلامِسُ النجمَ بعَلياهُ

11. And by the blood shed for his sake
The finest and purest blood

١١. وبالدمِ المسفوك من أجلِهِ
أطيَبِه أصلاً وأزكاهُ

12. What glory recorded for his sons
Is nobler than what his own son recorded

١٢. ما دوّنَ المجدُ لأبنائِه
أكْرمَ مما دَوّنَ ابناه

13. It is said he ransomed Lebanon, they said yes
With the most precious souls we ransomed it

١٣. قيلَ فِدى لبنانَ قالا أجلْ
بالأنْفَسِ الأغلى فديناهُ

14. They died as loyalty required of them
The immortal are glory and God

١٤. ماتا كما شاءَ الوفا مِنهُما
والخالدانِ المجدُ واللهُ

15. I stood by the cedars, how many times
It stirred the heart and saddened it

١٥. وقفتُ بالأرزِ وكم موقفٍ
برّح بالقلبِ وأشجاهُ

16. I say to the cedar in its shade
A grave our hands dug

١٦. أقول للأرز وفي ظلّهِ
قبرٌ بأيدينا حفرناهُ

17. O cedar shadow our glory in the earth
Do you not see we buried it?

١٧. يا أرزُ فَيّئْ مجدَنا في الثرى
أَلاَ ترى أنَّا دَفَنّاهُ

18. O grave where we found comfort
In the gloom of darkness was its dwelling

١٨. يا أيُّها القَبرُ الذي آنَسَا
في وحشةِ الظلماءِ مثواهُ

19. It held the tender youth in its midst
So its scent was perfume

١٩. ضمَ الشبابَ الغضَّ في جوفِهِ
فحدَّثتْ بالطيب أرجاهُ

20. Lebanon, the Khazens ransomed you
And who can match those who ransomed you?

٢٠. لبنانُ فدّاك بنو خازنٍ
وما لمن فدّاك أشباهُ

21. When we asked glory about their glory
The cedar told us and quenched our thirst

٢١. لمّا سألنا المجدَ عن مجدِهِمْ
حدَّثَنَا الأرزُ وريَّاهُ