
I bid farewell, and delight blossomed as he smiled,

سلمت فارتجل الرضى وتبسما

1. I bid farewell, and delight blossomed as he smiled,
Did you see how the heart precedes the mouth?

١. سَلَّمتُ فارتجل الرضى وتبسّما
أرَأيتَ كيفَ القلبُ يَسَبِقِ الفما

2. The gentleness of his soul played with his composure,
And shared it - nothing is more beautiful than them both.

٢. عبِثت صفاوةُ نفسِهِ بِوَقارِهِ
وتقسّماه فليس أروَعَ منهما

3. He walked towards me, his steps dignified,
As though he strode the path engraving it.

٣. ومشى إليّ ففي خُطاه رَصانةٌ
وكأنما يطأ الطريقَ ترسُّما

4. Elegant, radiant, I thought him
The essence of elegance and radiance from the dolls.

٤. متأنقٌ بادي الرواءِ حسِبتُه
أخَذَ الأناقة والرُّواء عن الدُّمى

5. His heart greeted me before his tongue did
When he smiled from his eyes and bid farewell.

٥. حيَّاك قبل لسانِهِ بفؤاده
لمَّا أطلَّ من العيون وسَلَّما

6. Love is what his cheerful face revealed,
And kindness is what his tongue dispensed and shared.

٦. الحبُّ ما نشرتْ أسِرَّةُ وجهِهِ
واللُّطْفُ ما وهبَ اللسانَ وقَسَّما

7. The wise man spoke true that manliness has its glory,
And it is manly to pardon and show mercy.

٧. صدق الحكيمُ فلِلمروءة مجدُها
ومن المروءة أن تعفّ وترحما

8. I extolled your nobility by being chaste, protecting it,
And kept your stature safe from harm and blemish.

٨. نزَّهت فضلك بالعفاف فصنتَه
وعصمتَ جاهك أن يُنال فيُثلَما

9. Medicine is a blessing from heaven upon the world,
So summon the doctor as though calling upon the sky.

٩. الطبُّ من نِعم السماء على الورى
فادعُ الطبيب كأنما تدعو السما

10. Your hands carry your knowledge and your heart,
This tenderness folded, and that healing balm.

١٠. لبّاك يحمل علمَهُ وفؤادَه
هذا الحنانُ طوى وذاك البلسم

11. The generous hand is outstretched to the dew,
But modesty prevented it from touching.

١١. عفّ اليدِ السمحاء تُبسط للنَّدى
وأبى عليه حياؤه أن تلثما

12. The eloquent tongue sees eloquence as disgraceful,
When it borders on tactless bluntness.

١٢. عف اللسان يرى الفصاحةَ سُبّةَ
في ما حدا بالظرف أن يتجهّما

13. The keen hearing avoided gossip and slander,
And the articulate became mute and deaf.

١٣. عفّ السماع عن النميمة خلته
وهو الفصيحُ غدا الأَصمَّ الأَبكما

14. I reproached him, but he is discretion itself,
And I tested him, but he is determination embodied.

١٤. نادمته فهو الكياسةُ جملة
وبَلَوتُه فهو الإباءُ مجسَّما

15. In a gathering, crowds flocked to hear him,
Like a torrent rushing down a valley they came.

١٥. في محفلٍ وفد الجموعُ لساحه
كالسيل مندفعاً على الشعب ارتمى

16. They came to listen, but heard nothing
More sublime, or dearer speech.

١٦. وفدوا ليستمعوا فما استمعوا إلى
أسمى معانَي أَو أَحبَّ تكلُّما

17. He praised morals, so they remembered through him
Jesus, as he preached to the crowds and taught.

١٧. أثنى على الأخلاق فاذدكروا به
عيسى وقد خَطَبَ الجموعَ وعلَّما

18. He rallied the red freedom in
Words, as though its letters dripped blood.

١٨. واستنفر الحريةَ الحمراء في
كِلمٍ كأن حروفَها قطرت دما

19. His voice flows over his expressions,
Like a reciter chanting Surat Maryam.

١٩. تجري على ألفاظِهِ نبراتُه
كَمُرَتّلٍ غنّاك سورةَ مريما

20. We are made to seem, through his eloquence,
As though we argue with his joking, chanting.

٢٠. بتنا يساقطُنا البيانُ كأننا
بتنا يساجلُنا الهزارُ مُرَنّما

21. In his eyes, eloquence like his tongue –
Between them, the orator cannot silence.

٢١. في ناظرَيه فصاحةٌ كلسانِهِ
لم تدرِ بينهما الخطيبَ المفحِما

22. Contentment walks to you with his pleasure,
And his wrath illuminates hell for you.

٢٢. يمشي النعيمُ إليك عند رضائه
وتُنير غضبتُه لديكَ جهنَّما

23. The departed one of today, his day
Is like yesterday, imagined and unreal.

٢٣. هذا فقيد اليومِ أَصبح يومُه
كالأمسِ يدركه الخيالُ توهُّما

24. Would that eloquence obeyed me, and I elegized him
With the greatest that eloquence can inspire, the sublimest.

٢٤. ليتَ البيان أطاعني فرثيتُه
بأجلَّ ما يوحي البيانُ وأعظما