
He embraced him before the arrival of death

حضنته قبل فوت الأجل

1. He embraced him before the arrival of death
The power of knowledge and the gentleness of deed

١. حضَنَتْهُ قبل فوتِ الأَجَلِ
قوةُ العلمِ ولطفُ العملِ

2. Woe to his two illnesses, each a killer
The ailment of the body and the sickness of boredom

٢. ويح دائَيه فكلٌ قاتلٌ
عِلةُ الجسم وداءُ الملل

3. I swear by the abodes above the burial ground
And unlock their doors to the north wind

٣. أقسِمِ الدُّورَ له فوق الرُّبى
وافتَتِح أبوابَها للشمألِ

4. Give him health in her pitcher
Sips now and doses followed

٤. واسقِهِ الصّحَّةَ في إبريقها
رشفةً آناً وجرعاتٍ تلي

5. And take medicine as salvation and guidance
The wisdom of today and knowledge of the old

٥. وخُذِ الطبَّ غِياثاً وهُدىً
حكمة اليومِ وعلمَ الأُوَلِ

6. I know no gospel for him
Other than the gospel of merciful revelation

٦. أنا لا أعرِفُ إنجيلاً لَهُ
غَيرَ إِنجيلِ الحَنانِ المُنَزلِ

7. Heal him with art and beauty together
Revive him with truth or hope

٧. داوِه بالفنّ والحسنى معاً
تُحِيه بالحقّ أو بالأمَلِ

8. The harshness of the lancet is gentleness, not harm
If the lancet is preceded by the gentleness of fingers

٨. قَسوَةُ المِبْضَعِ لطفٌ لا أذىً
إن تلا المبضعَ لُطفُ الأنمُلِ

9. I do not see truth in grief alone
But woman is the partner of man

٩. ما أرى الحقَّ لآسٍ وحدَهُ
إنما المرأةُ صِنو الرَّجُل

10. O builder toward his glories
Build mercy before the edifice

١٠. أيها البانِي إلى أَمجادِهِ
إِبتَنِ الرحمةَ قبلَ المنزِلِ

11. My neighbor asked about my illness
My illness, O neighbor, is my nature

١١. سأَلَتْنِي جارَتي عَنْ عِلَّتي
عِلَّتي يا جارتي من جَبَلي

12. Disease has tested his morals
So he proceeds to ruin in respite

١٢. إِبتلاه الداء في أخلاقِهِ
فهو ماضٍ للرَّدى في مَهَلِ

13. This radiance in his appearance
Its like in illness is the gleam of the sickle

١٣. هذِهِ الروعةُ في مظهره
مثلُها في الداء لمعُ المُقَلِ

14. This flower in him is his blood
And he in consumption is a messenger of death

١٤. هذه الزَّهرةُ فيه دمُهُ
وهو في السلّ نذيرُ الأجلِ

15. Would that he and consumption were a deadly disease
He had not yet been struck with a more fatal disease

١٥. ليتَه والسلّ داءٌ قاتِلٌ
لم يُصَب بعدُ بداءٍ أَقتلِ

16. The politicians created in him an illness
When the disease of governance is the most wretched of diseases

١٦. خَلَقَ الساسةُ فيه علّةً
حِينَ داءُ الحكم أَشقى العِلَلِ

17. How good his state would be had it not been
When it grew from the daughters of states

١٧. حَبَّذا دولته لو لم تكن
حينَ تُنمَى من بناتِ الدُّوَلِ

18. O pity of the people, treat a nation
That was pierced when it attained the slain

١٨. يا أُساةَ القومِ داووا أُمَّةً
طُعِنَت لمّا استوت في المقتَلِ

19. You have for consumption a hospital, but do you
Have one for degraded morals?

١٩. عندكم للسّلّ مستشفى فهل
عندَكُمْ للخُلُقِ المبتذَلِ

20. The nuns of the monastery came, so stand
We meet mercy that came from above

٢٠. راهباتُ الديرِ أقبلنَ فقُمْ
نلتقِ الرحمةَ جاءَت من علِ

21. They circled the sufferer, and I saw a hand
Purified like dew from filth

٢١. طُفْنَ بالعاني فأبصرتُ يداً
نُزِهت مثل الندى عن زغلِ

22. They examined the illness, then drew back
For it is the most delicious that one can kiss

٢٢. جسّت العلةَ ثم ارتجعت
فهي أشهى ما ترى للقبلِ

23. O you who suffer, when you come here
Art expends itself and those who endure misery despair

٢٣. أيها الآسي إذا جلتَ هنا
تبذل الفنّ وتأسو مَنْ بلي

24. You have undertaken exuberant youth
Inclined like the flower at childhood

٢٤. وتعهّدتَ ِشباباً ناضراً
مالَ كالزهرة وقتَ الطَفَلِ

25. Remember the field you cultivated
How plentifully it bloomed with flowers before they withered

٢٥. أُذْكُرِ الحقلَ الذي أَنبتَّهُ
كم زَهاه الزهرُ لَوْ لَمْ يذبُلِ

26. You build a nation from a nation
Build for today and the future

٢٦. أَنتَ تبني أُمةً مِنْ أمّةِ
إِبنِ لليومِ وللمستقبلِ