1. I incite all the misers,
If only my inciting would benefit the misers,
١. إِنّي أُحَرِّض أَهلَ البُخلِ كُلِّهُم
لَو كانَ يَنفَعُ أَهلَ البُخلِ تَحريضي
2. My wealth has only increased my generosity,
Until I have compensation with God's provision.
٢. ما قَلَّ ماليَ إِلّا زادَني كَرَماً
حَتّى يَكونَ برزقِ اللَهِ تَعويضي
3. And money raises those who without coins
Would turn on us a lowered gaze.
٣. وَالمالُ يَرفَعُ مَن لَولا دَراهِمُهُ
أَمسى يُقَلِّب فينا طرفَ مَخفوضِ
4. The eggs will not come out freely from their fists,
Except with pain from them and coaxing.
٤. لَن تُخرِج البيضُ عَفواً مِن اكُفِّهُم
إِلا عَلى وَجَعٍ مِنهُم وَتَمريضِ
5. As if they are from the skins of the misers, with them,
At adversities, scraped with shears.
٥. كَأَنَّها مِن جُلودِ الباخِلينَ بِها
عِندَ النَوائِبِ تُحذى بِالمَقاريضِ