
The loveliest of all in tents and in vales am I,

وفي الظعائن والأحداج أحسن من

1. The loveliest of all in tents and in vales am I,
Who Iraq, Syria, and Yemen traversed have and gone by.

١. وَفي الظَعائِن وَالأَحداجِ أَحسَنُ مَن
حَلَّ العِراقَ وَحَلَّ الشام وَاليمنا

2. Of all the fair ones of mankind most fair is she I've ta'en,
Brighter than sun at noon, or moon of night that just doth wane.

٢. جَنيَّةً مِن نِساءِ الأنسِ أَحسَنُ مِن
شَمسِ النَهارِ وَبَدر اللَيلِ لَو قُرِنا

3. While life remains she still is hid who garreth me lament.
Of grief and cheerless days, forsooth, I've wearied me and faint.

٣. مَكتومَة الذِكر عِندي ما حييتُ لَها
وَقَد لَعَمري مَلِلتُ الصَرَمَ وَالحَزنا

4. A comrade evil is like leprosy that striketh skin
And spreadeth here and there what while it crawleth deep within.

٤. وَصاحِبِ السوء كَالداءِ العياءِ إِذا
ما اِرفَضَّ في الجِلدِ يَجري ها هنا وَهنا

5. He will reveal his fellow's faults and nakedness detect,
Yet aught of good he witnesses he carefully will check.

٥. يَبدي وَيخبرُ عَن عَوراتِ صاحِبه
وَما يَرى عِندَهُ من صالِحٍ دَفَنا

6. A worthless horse, if thou desire his points to recognise,
Urge him to speed, or firmly rein him in, he straightway flies.

٦. كَمهر سَوءٍ إِذا رَفَّعتَ سيرَتَهُ
رامَ الجِماحَ وَإِن أَخفَضته حَرَنا

7. If still that fellow lives, hold thou aloof from him afar;
Or, should he die, frequent thou not his tomb, nor burial mar.

٧. إِن يَحي ذاكَ فَكُن مِنهُ بِمعزلةٍ
أَو ماتَ ذاكَ فَلا تَشهَدُ لَه جَنَنا