
Like lines in a boy's notebook, his pen excelled,

كالخط في كتب الغلام أجاده

1. Like lines in a boy's notebook, his pen excelled,
With its ink more intense than any other pens.

١. كَالخَطِّ في كُتُبِ الغُلامِ أَجادَه
بِمدادِهِ وَأَسَدَّ مِن أَقلامِهِ

2. A pen leaning like a pigeon's neck,
Preserving knowledge from its learned masters.

٢. قَلَمٌ كَخَرطومِ الحَمامَةِ مائِلٌ
مُستَحفِظٌ لِلعِلمِ مِن عَلّامِهِ

3. It traces letters when it pleases, constructing them,
Clarifying them with dots from its markings.

٣. يَسِمُ الحُروفَ إِذا يَشاءُ بِناءَها
لِبَيانِها بِالنَقطِ مِن أَرسامِهِ

4. From a woolen end the ink saturates its tip,
Until its color changes due to its saturation.

٤. مِن صوفَةٍ نَفث المِدادِ سُخامَه
حَتّى تَغَيَّرَ لَونُها بِسُخامِهِ

5. It hides so it breaks off from a wheat stalk's tip,
Like a fingernail from its trimmer.

٥. يَخفى فَيُقصَمُ مِن شَعيرَة أَنفُهُ
كَقُلامَةِ الأَظفورِ مِن قَلّامِهِ

6. With its tip a crack coincides and evens out,
The ink replenished increasing its pooling.

٦. وَبِأَنفِهِ شِقُّ تَلاءَمَ فَاِستَوى
سُقي المِدادَ فَزادَ في تَلامِهِ

7. Cryptic yet eloquent in all that the tongue
Utters in its crypticness.

٧. مُستَعجِمٌ وَهوَ الفَصيحُ بِكُلِّ ما
نَطق اللِسانُ بِه عَلى اِستِعجامِهِ

8. And it has interpreters in tongues for them
To express what they recite from its translation.

٨. وَلَهُ تَراجِمَةٌ بِأَلسِنَةٍ لَهُم
تِبيانُ ما يَتلونَ من تَرجامِه

9. Nothing it traced of anything with it, its writers,
Unless it confesses through its encryption.

٩. ما خطَّ من شَيءٍ بِهِ كتّابه
ما إِن يَبوحُ بِهِ عَلى اِستِكتامِهِ

10. Its spelling is QAF and LAM after it,
MIM suspended under its LAM.

١٠. وَهِجاؤُهُ قاف وَلام بَعدَها
ميم مُعَلَّقَةٌ بِأَسفَلِ لامِه

11. The young gazelle said to her neighbor, when
She saw the masked face behind his turban.

١١. قالَت لِجارَتِها الغَزّيلُ إذ رَأَت
وَجهَ المُقَنَّع مِن وَراءِ لِثامِهِ

12. “It used to be white but tan overcame it,
So the eye denies it from its darkness.”

١٢. قَد كانَ أَبيضَ فَاِعتَراهُ أُدمَةٌ
فَالعَينُ تُنكِرُهُ مِن أِدهيمامِهِ

13. How many mounted cavalry this year are ruined,
Loosely handed and mounted cavalry this year.

١٣. كَم من بويزل عامِها مهرِيَّةٍ
سُرُحُ اليَدَينِ وَمن بويزل عامه

14. Al-Walid gave her saddle and bridle,
And so did the other, his saddle and bridle.

١٤. وَهَبَ الوَليدُ بِرَحلِها وَزِمامِها
وَكَذاكَ ذاكَ بِرَحلِهِ وَزِمامِهِ