
From Umm Shaddad's abode the outlines of dwellings

أمن أم شداد رسوم المنازل

1. From Umm Shaddad's abode the outlines of dwellings
I fancied after long travel and downpour.

١. أَمِن أُمِّ شَدّادٍ رُسومُ المَنازِلِ
تَوَهَّمتُها مِن بَعدِ سافٍ وَوابِلِ

2. And after nights gone by and months passed,
After revolving years had run their course,

٢. وَبَعدَ لَيالٍ قَد خَلونَ وَأَشهُرٍ
عَلى إِثرِ حَولٍ قَد تَجَرَّمَ كامِلِ

3. I see in Umm Shaddad's abode a likeness to a gazelle
Roaming with intoxicated, weeping eyes.

٣. أَرى أُمَّ شَدّادٍ بِها شِبهُ ظَبيَةٍ
تُطيفُ بِمَكحولِ المَدامِعِ خاذِلِ

4. The cooing of the tender-glancing turtle-doves
Alights in a thickly-wooded valley.

٤. أَغَنَّ غَضيضِ الطَرفِ رَخصٍ ظُلوفُهُ
تَرودُ بِمُعتَمٍّ مِنَ الرَملِ هائِلِ

5. And it looks with the eyes of a ewe, Umm Farqad's,
Shading in a meadow with vegetation.

٥. وَتَرنو بِعَينَي نَعجَةٍ أُمِّ فَرقَدٍ
تَظَلُّ بِوادي رَوضَةٍ وَخَمائِلِ

6. And it walks on two robes whose food
Was the leftovers of arid, pouring evenings.

٦. وَتَخطو عَلى بَردِيَّتَينِ غَذاهُما
أَهاضيبُ رَجّافِ العَشِيّاتِ هاطِلِ

7. And it discloses from the bosom of its folds as though it were
A brake nourished from gushing saplings.

٧. وَتَفتَرُّ عَن غُرِّ الثَنايا كَأَنَّها
أَقاحٍ تُرَوّى مِن عُروقٍ غَلاغِلِ

8. Nights we pass in sickness and our life
Is a babble, heedless of a blamer's rebuke.

٨. لَيالِيَ نَحتَلُّ المَراضَ وَعَيشُنا
غَريرٌ وَلا نُرعي إِلى عَذلِ عاذِلِ

9. So I came to deny in herlineaments I had known
Whether out of any stinginess or refusal of a seeker.

٩. فَأَصبَحتُ قَد أَنكَرتُ مِنها شَمائِلاً
فَما شِئتَ مِن بُخلٍ وَمِن مَنعِ نائِلِ

10. And that was not because of a thing I would have sinned,
Save that grey hair affects all equally.

١٠. وَما ذاكَ عَن شَيءٍ أَكونُ اِجتَرَمتُهُ
سِوى أَنَّ شَيباً في المَفارِقِ شامِلي

11. So if you spurn me and incline to another, you will be spurned,
And you gave warning of the way of the fickle.

١١. فَإِن تَصرِميني وَيبَ غَيرُكِ تُصرَمي
وَأوذِنتِ إيذانَ الخَليطِ المُزايِلِ

12. When a friend fails to join you, then do not insist
On his company, and go to another who will keep faith.

١٢. إِذا ما خَليلٌ لَم يَصِلكَ فَلا تُقِم
بِتَلعَتِهِ وَاِعمَد لِآخِرَ واصِلِ

13. And a resourceless man leads into error, as though he were
A mat for the feet of the heavily-laden camels.

١٣. وَمُستَهلِكٍ يَهدي الضَلولَ كَأَنَّهُ
حَصيرُ صَناعٍ بَينَ أَيدي الرَوامِلِ

14. Whenever you wish, if you humble him, you will hear
The croaking of a flock alighting at sunset.

١٤. مَتى ما تَشَأ تَسمَع إِذا ما هَبَطتَهُ
تَراطُنَ سِربٍ مَغرِبَ الشَمسِ نازِلِ

15. Chicks in the wilderness, twins,
Whose red yolks are shattered.

١٥. رَوايا فِراخٍ بِالفَلاةِ تَوائِمٍ
تَحَطَّمَ عَنها البيضُ حُمرِ الحَواصِلِ

16. Twins without a sign,
Placed in an unknown, sterile tract.

١٦. تَوائِمَ أَشباهٍ بِغَيرِ عَلاَمَةٍ
وُضِعنَ بِمَجهولٍ مِنَ الأَرضِ خامِلِ

17. And a rugged road the riders fear to enter after nightfall,
Gnawing it with tentpegs.

١٧. وَخَرقٍ يَخافُ الرُكبُ أَن يُدلِجوا بِهِ
يَعَضّونَ مِن أَهوالِهِ بِالأَنامِلِ

18. Fearful, in it howling beasts,
I cut them down with both arms paralyzed.

١٨. مَخوفٍ بِهِ الجِنّانُ تَعوي ذِئابُهُ
قَطَعتُ بِفَتلاءِ الذِراعَينِ بازِلِ

19. Deafening silence, in it confused babbling
For a true tiding or a false comparison.

١٩. صَموتِ السُرى خَرساءَ فيها تَلَفُّتٌ
لِنَبأَةِ حَقٍّ أَو لِتَشبيهِ باطِلِ

20. The baggage of the traveling company continues after losing energy.
For them is a howdah between actuality and maturity.

٢٠. تَظَلُّ نُسوعُ الرَحلِ بَعدَ كَلالِها
لَهُنَّ أَطيطٌ بَينَ جَوزٍ وَكاهِلِ

21. Lofty and slender yet confounding in it
Firmly rooted trees of tangled disposition.

٢١. رَفيعِ المَحالِ وَالضُلوعِ نَمَت بِهِ
قَوائِمُ عوجٌ ناشِزاتُ الخَصائِلِ

22. It responds to echoes and sometimes alarm seizes it -
The gloom of a beggar aggressive to the group.

٢٢. تُجاوِبُ أَصداءً وَحيناً يَروعُها
تَضَوُّرُ كَسابٍ عَلى الرَكبِ عائِلِ

23. A gangling she-camel prancing with the luggage, neck craning,
Vying with a stallion like pigeons with necks outstretched.

٢٣. عُذافِرَةٍ تَختالُ بِالرَحلِ حُرَةٍ
تُباري قِلاصاً كَالنَعامِ الجَوافِلِ

24. With a trot unlike the feigned,
When it alights on a dune and does not shirk.

٢٤. بِوَقعٍ دِراكٍ غَيرِ ما مُتَكَلَّفٍ
إِذا هَبَطَت وَعَثاً وَلا مُتَخاذِلِ

25. As though my mount gathers in it a smooth-going hyena
Between two fires, most prudent.

٢٥. كَأَنَّ جَريري يَنتَحي فيهِ مِسحَلٌ
مِنَ القُمرِ بَينَ الأَنعَمَينِ فَعاقِلِ

26. It sings in the wilderness loudly
Like starving bellies screaming for aid.

٢٦. يُغَرِّدُ في الأَرضِ الفَلاةِ بِعانَةٍ
خِماصِ البُطونِ كَالصِعادِ الذَوابِلِ

27. And a she-camel driven by the heat from which its young
And whose proboscides have shriveled like an eyebrow's dye.

٢٧. وَنازِحَةٍ بِالقَيظِ عَنها جِحاشُها
وَقَد قَلَصَت أَطباؤُها كَالمَكاحِلِ

28. And the traveler of the day determined his affair
With an open-armed maiden given to intrigues,

٢٨. وَظَلَّ سَراةَ اليَومِ يُبرِمُ أَمرَهُ
بِرَابِيَةٍ البَحّاءِ ذاتِ الأَعابِلِ

29. And aspired to a myrtle-scented tryst but was barred
By squatting men lying in wait at the watering-place,

٢٩. وَهَمَّ بِوِردٍ بِالرَسيسِ فَصَدَّهُ
رِجالٌ قُعودٌ في الدُجى بِالمَعابِلِ

30. Whenever she comes to water at night, she is apprehensive
Fearing one who lies in wait or a roper.

٣٠. إِذا وَرَدَت ماءً بِلَيلٍ تَعَرَّضَت
مَخافَةَ رامٍ أَو مَخَافَةَ حابِلِ

31. As though an ostrich Mudhahhad where it was delayed
With its chicks from its gaped mouth in multitudes.

٣١. كَأَنَّ مُدَهدى حَنظَلٍ حَيثُ سَوَّفَت
بِأَعطانِها مِن لَسِّها بِالجَحافِلِ