
Is the rope of sand before parting severed

هل حبل رملة قبل البين مبتور

1. Is the rope of sand before parting severed,
Or are you with wisdom after ignorance excused?

١. هَل حَبلُ رَملَةَ قَبلَ البَينِ مَبتورُ
أَم أَنَتَ بِالحِلمِ بَعدَ الجَهلَِ معذورُ

2. Yearning cannot bring together if a house parts us,
And the like thereof in the vicinity of houses deserted.

٢. ما يَجمَعُ الشَوقُ إِن دارٌ بِنا شَحَطَت
وَمِثلُها في تَداني الدارِ مَهجورُ

3. It healed us while being a disease, if it afflicts us,
As the accustomed recovered through the wine intoxicated.

٣. نَشفى بِها وَهيَ داءٌ لَو تُصاقِبُنا
كما اِشتَفى بِعِيادِ الخَمرِ مَخمورُ

4. No garden among the gardens of sorrow blossomed,
With different colored growths embroidered.

٤. ما رَوضَةٌ مِن رِياضِ الحَزنِ باكَرَها
بِالنَبتِ مُختلِفِ الأَلوانِ مَمطورُ

5. One day with the sweetest scent it spreads,
After sleep when the perfume is loved.

٥. يَوماً بِأَطيَبَ مِنها نَشرَ رائِحَةٍ
بَعدَ المَنام إِذا حُبَّ المَعاطيرُ

6. An intimacy I do not forget while tears flow,
As if it is a pearl on the cheek stored.

٦. ما أَنسَ لا أَنسَها وَالدَمعُ مُنسَرِبٌ
كَأَنَّهُ لُؤلُؤٌ في الخَدِّ مَحدورُ

7. When I saw them, their beauty was perfect,
I believed what they claimed while parting is risky.

٧. لَمّا رَأَيتُهُم زُمَّت جِمالُهُمُ
صَدَّقتُ ما زَعَموا وَالبَينُ مَحذورُ

8. The brother of Qathura sings of them cautiously,
As if he, with all the people, is broken.

٨. يَحدو بِهِنَّ أَخو قاذورَةٍ حَذِرٌ
كَأَنَّهُ بِجَميعِ الناسِ مَوتورُ

9. As if their white forelocks challenge twisted date palms,
A palm tree with two eyes bent and fruitful.

٩. كَأَنَّ أَظعانَهُم تُحدى مُقَفِّيَةً
نَخلٌ بِعَينَينِ مُلتَفٌّ مَواقيرُ

10. Necks overwhelmed them, quenched by a cold brook,
Or a bay from the sea recklessly gushing.

١٠. غُلبُ الرِقابِ سَقاها جَدوَلٌ سَرِبٌ
أَو مَشعَبٌ مِن أَتِيِّ البَحرِ مَفجورُ

11. Can a letter reaching me bring good news,
Words dripping from its script faint?

١١. هَل تُبَلِغَنّي عَلَيَّ الخَيرَ ذِعلِبَةٌ
حَرفٌ تَزَلَّلَ عَن أَصَلابِها الكورُ

12. Behind it ewes running, their crisis,
Having been touched by the nightfall expulsion.

١٢. مِن خَلفِها قُلُصٌ تَجري أَزِمَّتُها
قَد مَسَّهُنَّ مَعَ الإِدلاج تَهجيرُ

13. They ram the people with the open space of the plain when
They took shade from the sun in the shadows spinning.

١٣. يَخبِطنَ بِالقَومِ أَنضاءَ السَريحِ وَقَد
لاذَت مِنَ الشَمسِ بِالظِلِّ اليَعافيرُ

14. Until when the Pleiades rose and moved,
And when they migrated with packing up return.

١٤. حَتّى إِذا اِنتَصَبَ الحَرباءُ وَاِنتَقَلَت
وَحانَ إذ هَجَّروا بِالدُوِ تَغويرُ

15. They said “move aside,” so they touched the ground and rolled over,
A shadow with a piercing south wind howling through it.

١٥. قَالوا تَنَحَّوا فَمَسّوا الأَرضَ فَاِحتَوَلوا
ظِلّاً بِمُنخَرِقٍ تَهفو بِهِ المَورُ

16. They remained as if a bird perched over them
Howling when storms uncover it.

١٦. ظَلّوا كَأَنَّ عَلَيهِم طائِراً عَلِقاً
يَهفو إِذا إِنسَفَرَت عَنهُ الأَعاصيرُ

17. To the direction of the wind a deprived side,
And a side with palms of people repaired.

١٧. لِوِجهَةِ الريحِ مِنهُ جانِبٌ سَلِبٌ
وَجانِبٌ بِأَكُفِّ القَومِ مَضبورُ

18. Until when they cooled off, they stood to ewes,
As if they are the calves of heavy camels.

١٨. حَتّى إِذا أَبَرَدوا قاموا إِلى قُلُصٍ
كَأَنَّهُنَّ قِسِيُّ الشَوحَطِ الزورُ

19. Beasts startled like crumbs of ice, frightened
By prodding with a stick, paralysis and dispersion,

١٩. عَواسِلٌ كَرَعيلِ الرَبدِ أَفزَعَها
بِالسَيِّ مِن قانِصٍ شَلٌّ وَتَنفيرُ

20. Until the night watered the watering of jinn, so it plunged
Into its blackness when the total darkness and the cold set in.

٢٠. حَتّى سَقى اللَيلَ سَقيَ الجِنِّ فَاِنغَمَسَت
في جَوزِهِ إِذ دَجا الآكامُ وَالقورُ

21. It covered the Pleiades with the total darkness, so they mixed
Both in the blackness of the night drowned.

٢١. غَطّى النَشازَ مَعَ الآكامِ فَاِشتَبَها
كِلاهُما في سَوادِ اللَيلِ مَغمورُ

22. Indeed, Ali is auspicious, his leadership
Through good deeds among acts well-known.

٢٢. إِنَّ عَلِيّاً لَمَيمونٌ نَقيبَتُهُ
بِالصالِحاتِ مِنَ الأَفعالِ مَشهورُ

23. The in-law of the Prophet and best of people proudly
So everyone who envies him through pride is pretentious.

٢٣. صِهرُ النَبِيِّ وَخيرُ الناسِ مُفتَخَراً
فَكُلُّ مَن رامَهُ بِالفَخرِ مَفخورُ

24. The most pure prayed with the unlettered first of them
Before the return and the Lord of mankind is all sufficient.

٢٤. صَلّى الطَهورُ مَعَ الأُمِيِّ أَوَّلَهُم
قَبلَ المَعادَ وَرَبُّ الناسِ مَكفورُ

25. Withstanding the tyrants of polytheisms, striking them
Until they straightened and the religion of God is victorious.

٢٥. مُقاوِمٌ لِطُغاةِ الشِركِ يَضرِبُهُم
حَتّى اِستَقاموا وَدينُ اللَهِ مَنصورُ

26. With justice you stood trustee when those
Of passions opposed it and the falsifiers and liars.

٢٦. بِالعَدلِ قُمتَ أَميناً حينَ خالَفَهُ
أَهلُ الهوَى وَذَووُ الأهواءِ وَالزورِ

27. O best of those who wore a slipper, having a foot
After the Prophet while rebellion is deserted.

٢٧. يا خَيرَ مَن حَمَلت نَعلاً لَهُ قَدَمٌ
بَعدَ النَبِيِّ لَديهِ البَغيُ مَهجورُ

28. Your Lord gave you a merit with no cessation,
Where and when can days make change?

٢٨. أَعطاكَ رَبُّكَ فَضلاً لا زَوالَ لَهُ
مِن أَينَ أَنّى لَهُ الأَيامَ تَغييرُ