
From the ruins of a remote wilderness worn by time

أمن دمنة قفر تعاورها البلى

1. From the ruins of a remote wilderness worn by time
For your eyes, flocks overflowing with their sunset

١. أَمِن دِمنَةٍ قَفرٍ تَعاوَرَها البِلى
لِعَينَيكَ أَسرابٌ تَفيضُ غُروبُها

2. Worn by the length of time after renewal
And pulled by southern winds on it their trains

٢. تَعاوَرَها طولُ البِلى بَعدَ جِدَّةٍ
وَجَرَّت بِأَذيالٍ عَلَيها جَنوبُها

3. Nothing left in it but a tottering threshold
And of the house’s corners none but its cross

٣. فَلَم يَبقَ فيها غَيرُ أُسٍّ مُذَعذَعٍ
وَلا مِن أَثافي الدارِ إلّا صَليبُها

4. Its people bore from it and the bitterness of exile took them
To their endurance the myrrh of sorrow and its wadis

٤. تَحَمَّلَ مِنها أَهلُها فَنَأَت بِهِم
لِطِيَّتِهِم مَرُّ النَوى وَشُعوبُها

5. When it is like the fluttering ban branch
Its beautiful vine and fragrance startle you

٥. وَإِذ هِيَ كَغُصنِ البانِ خَفَّاقَةَ الحَشى
يَروعُكَ مِنها حُسنُ دَلٍّ وَطيبُها

6. What remains of love between me and it
Are wishes it sends to me, their falsehood

٦. فَأَصبَحَ باقي الوُدِّ بَيني وَبَينَها
أَمانِيَّ يُزجيها إِلَيَّ كَذوبُها

7. Leave it and rid your worries, even if called
To the memory of Salma each blessed day her serenity

٧. فَدَعهَا وَعَدِّ الهَمَّ عَنكَ وَلَو دَعا
إِلى ذِكرِ سَلمى كُلَّ يَومٍ طَروبُها

8. You yearn for Salma, and without her people
Ambushes take the rider, their precipices

٨. أَتَصبو إِلى سَلمى وَمِن دونِ أَهلِها
مَهامِهُ يَغتالُ المَطِيَّ سُهوبُها

9. My father and clan instructed me with pardon
And to defend her in matters that vilify her

٩. وَبِالعَفوِ وَصّاني أَبي وَعَشيرَتي
وَبِالدَفعِ عَنها في أُمورٍ تُريبُها

10. As for your people, excel in affection among them
And spare your soul what flaws it

١٠. وَقَومَكَ فَاِستَبِقِ المَوَدَّةَ فيهِمُ
وَنَفسَكَ جَنِّبها الَّذي قَد يَعيبُها