1. She took me unawares with her sorcery beguiling me
While ignorance and frivolity were enough for her
١. بَكَرَت عَلَيَّ بِسُحرَةٍ تَلحاني
وَكَفى بِها جَهلاً وَطَيشِ لِسانِ
2. And I had kept the behest of him who was my sincere adviser
A scholar knowing the ways of the crafty and cunning
٢. وَلَقَد حَفِظتُ وَصاةَ مَن هُوَ ناصِحٌ
لي عالِمٌ بِمَآقِطِ الخُلّانِ
3. Until when my bones were wasted, I chided her
Like one chiding a yearling camel, bursting with rage
٣. حَتّى إِذا بَرَتِ العِظامَ زَجَرتُها
زَجرَ الضَنينِ بِعِرضِهِ الغَضبانِ
4. So I saw her withdraw, fearing a splitting blow from me
In horrified haste - what a moment that was!
٤. فَرَأَيتُها طَلَحَت مَخافَةَ نَهكَةٍ
مِنّي وَبادِرَةٍ وَأَيَّ أَوانِ
5. And you knew, un-Halimah-like,
That no passion should bring me down to ignominy
٥. وَلَقَد عَلِمتِ وَأَنتِ غَيرُ حَليمَةٍ
أَلّا يُقَرِّبَني هَوىً لِهوانِ
6. Foolish woman! Does it not behove you now to guide
Me, in my dotage, with good advice?
٦. هَبِلَتكِ أُمُّكِ هَل لَدَيكِ فَتُرشِدي
في آخِرِ الأَيّامِ مِن تِبيانِ
7. I keep faith, I am no traitor, I will never be
A lodger forever in the abode of treachery
٧. أَرعى الأَمانَةَ لا أَخونُ وَلا أُرى
أَبَداً أَدَمِّنُ عَرصَةَ الخَوّانِ
8. And yet you turned from me, after love steadfast
How do you reconcile this perfidy, changeling?
٨. وََتَنكَّرَت لي بَعدَ وُدٍّ ثابِتٍ
أَنّى تَجامُعُ وَصَلِ ذي الأَلوانِ
9. One day complaisant to be led, another day
Aloof, disdaining me out of spite
٩. يَوماً طِواعُكَ في القِيادِ وَتارَةً
تَلقاكَ تُنكِرُها مِن الشَنَآنِ
10. At times meeting your brother amiably, at others
Deeming him a blackamoor to be shunned
١٠. طَوراً تُلاقيهِ أَخاكَ وَتارَةً
تَلقاهُ تَحسَبُهُ مِن السودانِ
11. A scabby, mangy hag whose evil is to be feared
So hideous, so obscene, so coarse of face
١١. وَمَريضَةٍ قَفرٍ يُحاذَرُ شَرُّها
مِن هَولِها قَمِنٍ مِنَ الحَدَثانِ
12. A dusty crone, abasing herself in the gloaming
As I stole away silently under cover of night
١٢. غَبراءَ خاضِعَةِ الصُوى جاوَزتُها
لَيلاً بِكاتِمةِ السُرى مِذعانِ
13. A shrew who extends her rein with claws
Like a lopped palm-trunk stripped of its leaves
١٣. حَرفٍ تَمُدُّ زِمامَها بِعُذافِرٍ
كَالجِذعِ شُذِّبَ ليفُهُ الرَيّانِ
14. My rage at her yell was a shower of pebbles
And the thud of feet in the meadows green
١٤. غَضبى لِمَنسِمِها صَياحٌ بِالحَصى
وَقعَ القَدومِ بِغَضرَةِ الأَفنانِ
15. She made out phantoms though blear-eyed she was
With the wild instincts, not eyes, of a human
١٥. تَستَشرِفُ الأَشباحَ وَهيَ مُشيحَةٌ
بِبَصيرَةٍ وَحشِيَّةِ الإِنسانِ
16. A brazen, shameless hussy, who vaunted her wares
Under the noonday sun like a zealous pedlar
١٦. خَوصاءَ صافِيَةٍ تَجودُ بِمائِها
وَسطَ النهارِ كَنُطفَةِ الحَرّانِ
17. Repelling the noonday heat and dust with a brow
Like a cave - with a veil she had screened its portal
١٧. تَنفي الظَهيرَةَ وَالغُبارَ بِحاجِبٍ
كَالكَهفِ صينَت دونَهُ بِصِيانِ
18. Rosy-cheeked, batting her eyelids above
As the pimp hovered around the bridegroom at the wedding
١٨. زَهراءُ مُقلَتُها تَردّدَّ فَوقَها
عِندَ المُعَرَّسِ مُدلِجُ القِردانِ
19. Her tricks to seduce him were endless, as though
She sought to wean him from Safoan's side
١٩. أَعيَت مَذارِعُها عَلَيهِ كَأَنَّما
تَنمي أَكارِعُهُ عَلى صَفوانِ
20. So she flaunted herself and exposed her blemishes -
Timid, soft-eyed, submissive - how false!
٢٠. فَتَعَجرَفَت وَتَعَرَّضَت لِقَلائِصٍ
خوصِ العُيونِ خَواضِعِ الأَذقانِ
21. I compared her to an arrogant, prancing stud
Knock-kneed, bow-legged, splay-hoofed and bandy
٢١. شَبَّهتُها لَهِقَ السَراةِ مُلَمَّعاً
مِنهُ القَوائِمُ طاوِيَ المُصرانِ
22. Then he came, straight and upright, undamaged
No flaws in either, no defects
٢٢. فَغَدا بِمُعتَدِلَينِ لَم يُسلَبُهُما
لا فيهِما عِوَجٌ وَلا نَقِدانِ
23. And both were veiled in mist as though
The tanner had anointed them in his pit
٢٣. وَكِلاهُما تَحتَ الضَبابِ كَأَنَّما
دَهَنَ المُثَقِّفُ ليطَهُ بِدِهانِ
24. And he had given me hearing and - wonder above wonders -
Sight, by the grace of the Creator of ears and eyes
٢٤. وَغَدا بِسامِعَتي وَأىً أَعطاهُما
حَذَراً وَسَمعاً خَالِقُ الآذانِ