1. We awoke alive, alive O clan of Jihash
In Makroutha, roaring fiercely
١. صَبَحنا الحَيَّ حَيَّ بَني جِحاشٍ
بِمَكُروثاءَ داهِيَةً نَآدا
2. Yet they did not flee that morning, but
Their supplies failed so they could not increase
٢. فَما جَبُنوا غَداتَئِذٍ وَلَكِن
أُشِبَّ بِهِم فَلَم يَسَعوا الذِيادا
3. If Sa'd ibn Bakr made a mistake
He left behind his loyal servants
٣. فَإِن تَكُ أَخطَأَتَ سَعدُ بِنُ بَكرٍ
فَقَد تَرَكَت مَواليها عِبادا
4. The tribes of Awf and Duhman ibn Nasr
And Allah does what He intends
٤. بَني عَوفٍ وَدُهمانَ بِنَ نَصرٍ
وَكانَ اللَهُ فاعِلَ ما أَرادا
5. We came upon them in a horde of a thousand
As they watered their camels at the trough
٥. صَبَحناهُم بِجَمعٍ فيهِ أَلفٌ
رَواياهُم يُخَضخِضنَ المَزادا
6. Brandishing their arms seeking
The shepherds and their grazing sheep
٦. أَرَبَّت باِلأَكارِعِ وَهيَ تَبغي
رُعاةَ الشاءِ وَالضَأنَ القِهادا
7. We made a tour then turned back
And enabled whoever wanted carnage
٧. فَجُلنا جَولَةً ثُمَّ اِرعَوَينا
وَأَمكَنّا لِمَن شاءَ الجِلادا
8. With blows that impregnate the hyenas
And cause the grey wolves to howl
٨. بِضَربٍ يُلقِحُ الضِبعانُ مِنهُ
طَروقَتَهُ وَيَأتَنِفُ السِفادا