
Wise silence and foolish talk, so for wisdom is its silence,

صموت وقوال فللحلم صمته

1. Wise silence and foolish talk, so for wisdom is its silence,
And with knowledge the doubt becomes clear in its decisive speech.

١. صَموتٌ وَقَوّالٌ فَلِلحِلمِ صَمتُهُ
وَبِالعِلمِ يَجلو الشَكَّ مَنطِقُهُ الفَصلُ

2. A young man who left no maturity unlearnt, committed no wrong,
And knew nothing of the bounty of generosity but giving fully.

٢. فَتىً لَم يَدَع رُشداً وَلَم يَأَتِ مُنكَراً
وَلم يَدرِ مِن فَضلِ السَماحَةِ ما البُخلُ

3. Through him the full moon gained a shining sun,
Blessed, by which branch and root prosper.

٣. بِهِ أَنجَبَت لِلبَدرِ شَمسٌ مُنيرَةٌ
مُبارَكَةٌ يَنمي بِها الفَرعُ وَالأَصلُ

4. When the son of the stallion is between a noble dam,
And between a pedigreed sire, the son is generous.

٤. إِذا كانَ نَجلُ الفَحلِ بَينَ نَجيبَةٍ
وَبَينَ هِجانٍ مُنجِبٍ كَرُمَ النَجلُ