
Indeed, Juyi has turned his back

لقد ولى أليته جؤي

1. Indeed, Juyi has turned his back
On companions who never failed him, his brothers.

١. لَقَد وَلّى أَلِيَّتَهُ جُؤيٌّ
مَعاشِرَ غَيرُ مَطَلولٍ أَخوها

2. If Juyi perishes, every soul
Will meet the same fate as he did.

٢. فَاِن تَهلِك جُؤيُّ فَكُلُ نَفسٍ
سَيَجلِبُها كَذلِكَ جالِبوها

3. If Juyi perishes, know that after you
War will blaze as you supposed it would.

٣. وَإِن تَهلِك جُؤيُّ فَإِنَّ حَرَباً
كَظَنِّكَ كانَ بَعدَك موقِدوها

4. Your suspicions were not misplaced the day
You turned away, spears quenching their thirst.

٤. وَما ساءَت ظُنونُكَ يَومَ تولي
بِأَرماحٍ وَفَى لَكَ مُشرِعوها

5. It was as if you knew, the day
Your clothes were torn, what despoilers would reap.

٥. كَأَنَّكَ كُنتَ تَعلَمُ يَومَ بُزَّت
ثِيابُكَ ما سَيَلقى سالِبوها

6. Your vows will be kept, vows have loyalty
When their fulfillment reaches the treasury.

٦. لِنَذرِكَ وَالنُذورُ لَها وَفاءٌ
إِذا بَلَغَ الخِزايَةَ بالِغوها

7. We spent the morning as Khazrajite women
Whose loved ones destruction had bereaved.

٧. صَبَحنا الخَزرَجِيَّةَ مُرهِفاتٍ
أَبادَ ذَوي أَرومَتِها ذَووها

8. Neither ibexes nor fifty were exempted
In the Kaba, by those who sought them.

٨. فَما عُتِرَ الظِباءُ بِحَيِ كَعبٍ
وَلا الخَمسونَ قَصَّرَ طالِبوها

9. We did not say to them, “A life for a life -
Give us the same if you refuse hers.”

٩. وَلا قُلنا لَهُم نَفسٌ بِنَفسٍ
أَقيدونا بِها إِن لَم تَدوها

10. But we repelled them thirsty
And let them drink deep of your memory.

١٠. وَلَكِنّا دَفَعناها ظِماءً
فَرَوّاها بِذِكرِكَ مُنهِلوها

11. If the dead could know the deeds of the living,
Your swords would bring you joy in their flashing.

١١. وَلَو بَلَغَ القَتيلَ فِعالُ حُيٍّ
لَسَرَّكَ مِن سيوفِكَ مُنتَضوها