1. The twilight of age has removed the hair of my head,
And whiteness has appeared in the blackness separating it.
١. نَفى شَعرَ الرَأَسِ القَديمَ حَوالِقُهُ
وَلاحَ بِشَيبٍ في السَوادِ مَفارِقُهُ
2. My youth was destroyed in one morn and eve,
For time is but its coming and going.
٢. وَأَفنى شَبابي صُبحُ يَومٍ وَليلَةٌ
وَما الدَهرُ إِلّا مُسيُهُ وَمَشارِقُهُ
3. I have attained what Zuheir said about his time before me,
And though he perishes, his words are immortalized.
٣. وَأَدرَكتُ ما قَد قالَ قَبلي لِدَهرِهِ
زُهَيرٌ وَإِن يَهلِك تُخَلَّد نَواطِقُهُ
4. Look, my friend - do you see any young, slender palm trees
Or ships with their towering masts?
٤. تَبَصَّر خَليلي هَل تَرى مِن ظَعائِنٍ
كَنَخلِ القُرى أَو كَالسَفينِ حَزائِقُهُ
5. He settled in the garden of sorrow between Layya
And Saihan, leaning on them and their enclosures.
٥. تَرَبَّعنَ رَوضَ الحَزنِ ما بينَ لَيَّةٍ
وَسَيحانَ مُستَكّاً لَهُنَّ حَدائِقُهُ
6. When he saw his tribe depart he bade them farewell
And burned the tents and their skirts.
٦. فَلَمّا رَأَينَ الجَزءَ وَدَّعَ أَهلَهُ
وَحَرَّقَ نيرانَ الصَفيحِ وَدائِقُهُ
7. They decided on departure and went unrestrained in their love,
Fearing Iraq and its revolutions.
٧. عَزَمنَ رَحيلاً وَاِنتَجَعنَ عَلى هَوىً
وَخِفنَ العِراقَ أَن تَجيشَ بَوائِقُهُ
8. They were told what was between the ravines and twists -
Its valleys and plains watered it with their torrents.
٨. وَخُبِّرنَ ما بَينَ الأَخاديدِ واللِوى
سَقَتهُ الغَوادي وَالسَواري طَوارِقُهُ
9. They ventured into the deserts, which the winds wove into waves
Whose troughs corresponded with the soothsayers' incantations.
٩. وَباكَرنَ جَوفاً تَنسُجُ الريحُ مَتنَهُ
تَناءَمُ تَكليمَ المَجوسِ غَرانِقُهُ
10. Whenever the wind came to it from one side,
It would seize the dust and transport it to the other.
١٠. إِذا ما أَتَتهُ الريحُ مِن شَطرِ جانِبٍ
إِلى جانِبٍ حازَ التُرابَ مَهارِقُهُ
11. With its edge devoid of one who calls to the departed
Or claims anything but what is true.
١١. بِحافَتِهِ مِن لا يَصيحُ بِمَن سَرى
وَلا يَدَّعي إِلا بِما هُوَ صادِقُهُ
12. On every pilgrim its compassion excelled,
Through the grace of its bridle or a swaying carrier.
١٢. عَلَى كُلِّ مُعطٍ عِطفَهُ مُتَزَيِّدٍ
بِفَضلِ الزِمامِ أَو مَروحٍ تُواهِقُهُ
13. In the beginning, the first object of its waters
Was the purest rainwater from its downpour.
١٣. وَقَد قُلنَ بِالبَردِيِّ أَوَّلُ مَشرَبٍ
أَجَلَّ جَيرٍ إِن كانَت سَقَتهُ بَوارِقُهُ
14. Ignorance may one day sally forth to me and I to it,
To a flock like locusts of the wadis corresponding to it.
١٤. وَقَد يَنبَري لِيَ الجَهلُ يَوماً وَأَنبَري
لِسربٍ كَحُرّاتِ الهِجانِ تُوافِقُهُ
15. Three bubbling of speech and a critic
Of the master - it is neither free of nor loving him.
١٥. ثلاثٌ غَريراتُ الكَلامِ وَناشِصٌ
عَلى البَعلِ لا يَخلو وَلا هِيَ عاشِقُهُ