
I traveled to my people to call most of them

رحلت إلى قومي لأدعو جلهم

1. I traveled to my people to call most of them
To a matter of firm resolve, refined by the mosques,

١. رَحَلتُ إِلى قَومي لِأَدعو جُلَّهُم
إِلى أَمرِ حَزمٍ أَحَكَمتُهُ الجَوامِعُ

2. So they fulfill what they had pledged
In fear of me while God hears and watches,

٢. لِيوفوا بِما كانوا عَلَيهِ تَعاقَدوا
بِخَيفِ مِنىً وَاللَهُ راءٍ وَسامِعُ

3. And kinship is joined and the troubled finds relief,
And the old affection returns to the penitent,

٣. وَتوصَلَ أَرحامٌ وَيُفَرَجَ مُغرَمٌ
وَتَرجِعَ بِالوُدِّ القَديمِ الرَواجِعُ

4. So convey it through all the quarters of Uthman
And to Aws - so convey what I am doing -

٤. فَأَبلِغ بِها أَفناء عُثمانَ كُلَّها
وَأَوساً فَبَلِّغها الَّذي أَنا صانِعُ

5. I will call on them with all my strength for righteousness and piety
And the way of high morals, however many blame me,

٥. سَأَدعوهُمُ جُهدي إِلى البِرِّ وَالتُقى
وَأَمرِ العُلا ما شايَعَتني الأَصابِعُ

6. So be altogether, as much as you can, for
A garment from God will clothe you, ample and wide,

٦. فَكونوا جَميعاً ما اِستَطَعتُم فَإِنَّهُ
سيَلبَسُكُم ثَوبٌ مِنَ اللَهِ واسِعُ

7. And rise, then heal your people, and gather them together,
And be a hand that builds glory and wards off attacks,

٧. وَقُوموا فآسوا قَومَكُم فَاِجمَعُوهُمُ
وَكونوا يَداً تَبني العُلا وَتُدافِعُ

8. For if you do not do as I instructed you,
Then keep to it - oaths are trusts -

٨. فَإِن أَنتُمُ لَم تَفعَلوا ما أَمَرتُكُم
فَأَوفوا بِها إِنَّ العُهودَ وَدائِعُ

9. Far apart are those who pledge then honor their vow
And those who break firm covenants and cast them off,

٩. لشَتانَ مَن يَدعو فُيوفي بِعَهدِهِ
وَمَن هُوَ لِلعَهدِ المُؤَكَّدَ خالِعُ

10. To you, Abu Nasr, my advice is sincere
My mount conveys it from me, head bowed,

١٠. إِلَيكَ أَبا نَصرٍ أَجازَت نَصيحَتي
تُبَلِّغُها عَني المَطِيُّ الخَواضِعُ

11. So honor what you pledged in fear at Mina,
Abu Nasr, when ways are closed to you,

١١. فَأَوفِ بِما عاهَدتَ بِالخَيفِ مِن مِنىً
أَبا النَصرِ إِذا سُدَّت عَلَيكَ المَطالِعُ

12. For we are the clan of elders, as you know,
We sacrifice ourselves and fend off attacks,

١٢. فَنَحنُ بَنو الأَشياخِ قَد تَعلَمونَهُ
نُذَبِّبُ عَن أَحسابِنا وَنُدافِعُ

13. And we defend the fearful frontier, its place,
So distress may be relieved or the hungry fed.

١٣. وَنَحبِسُ بِالثَغرِ المَخوفِ مَحَلُّهُ
لِيُكشَفَ كَربٌ أَو لِيُطعَمَ جائِعُ