
Whether death or old age overtakes you

إن يدركك موت أو مشيب

1. Whether death or old age overtakes you
Before you died, people died and grew old

١. إِن يُدرِكَكَ مَوتٌ أَو مَشيبٌ
فَقَبلَكَ ماتَ أَقوامٌ وَشابوا

2. We procrastinated and neglected men
They were called and when people were called, they responded

٢. تَلَبَّثنا وَفَرَّطنا رِجالاً
دُعوا وَإِذا الأَنامُ دُعوا أَجابوا

3. And indeed our path is the path of a people
We witnessed the matter after them and they passed away

٣. وَإِنَّ سَبيلَنا لَسَبيلُ قَومٍ
شَهِدنا الأَمرَ بَعدَهُمُ وَغابوا

4. So do not ask, every mother will be burdened
When many brothers were around and then passed away

٤. فَلا تَسأَلَ سَتَثكَلُ كُلُّ أُمٍّ
إِذا ما إِخوَةٌ كَثُروا وَطابوا