
Shall I convey on your behalf to Bujair a message,

ألا أبلغا عني بجيرا رسالة

1. Shall I convey on your behalf to Bujair a message,
So tell me, did you say in secret - do you have

١. أَلا أَبلِغا عَنَي بُجَيراً رِسالَةً
فَهَل لَكَ فيما قُلتَ بِالخَيفِ هَل لَكا

2. You drank with al-Ma'mun a cup, well-watered,
So al-Ma'mun was ruined by it, and it elevated you,

٢. شَرِبتَ مَعَ المَأمونِ كَأساً رَوِيَّةً
فَاِنهَلَكَ المَأَمونُ مِنها وَعَلَّكا

3. And you opposed the ways of guidance and followed it
So al-Ma'mun was ruined by it, and it elevated you,

٣. وَخالَفَت أَسبابَ الهُدى وَتَبِعتَهُ
فَاِنهَلَكَ المَأَمونُ مِنها وَعَلَّكا

4. In a behavior you did not accustom a mother or father to
Nor did you attain upon it a brother for you.

٤. عَلى خُلُقٍ لَم تُلفِ أُمّاً وَلا أَباً
عَلَيهِ وَلَم تُدرِك عَلَيه أَخاً لَكا