1. Su'ad appeared, so today my heart is intoxicated,
Infatuated with her, not restrained or hindered.
١. بانَت سُعادُ فَقَلبي اليَومَ مَتبولُ
مُتَيَّمٌ إِثرَها لَم يُجزَ مَكبولُ
2. The morning after they departed, what was Su'ad
But the most melodious weeping of downcast eyes?
٢. وَما سُعادُ غَداةَ البَينِ إِذ رَحَلوا
إِلّا أَغَنُّ غَضيضُ الطَرفِ مَكحولُ
3. She came haltingly then left faltering,
No shortage or excess can be blamed on her.
٣. هَيفاءُ مُقبِلَةً عَجزاءُ مُدبِرَةً
لا يُشتَكى قِصَرٌ مِنها وَلا طولُ
4. When she smiles, she dispels the gloom of one in darkness,
As if a meadow refreshed by rain.
٤. تَجلو عَوارِضَ ذي ظَلمٍ إِذا اِبتَسَمَت
كَأَنَّهُ مُنهَلٌ بِالراحِ مَعلولُ
5. She captivated one with gap-toothed smile with water
From anguish, pure and straightforward.
٥. شُجَّت بِذي شَبَمٍ مِن ماءِ مَحنِيَةٍ
صافٍ بِأَبطَحَ أَضحى وَهُوَ مَشمولُ
6. The winds remove the motes from him, and tear away
His mantle of white, towering clouds.
٦. تَجلو الرِياحُ القَذى عَنُه وَأَفرَطَهُ
مِن صَوبِ سارِيَةٍ بيضٍ يَعاليلُ
7. Oh, for her sake, if only she were true
To what she promised, or advice were heeded!
٧. يا وَيحَها خُلَّةً لَو أَنَّها صَدَقَت
ما وَعَدَت أَو لَو أَنَّ النُصحَ مَقبولُ
8. But she is a flirt whom her own blood has spoiled,
Bringing anguish, passion, betrayal and inconstancy.
٨. لَكِنَّها خُلَّةٌ قَد سيطَ مِن دَمِها
فَجعٌ وَوَلعٌ وَإِخلافٌ وَتَبديلُ
9. She never remains in any state for long,
Changing clothes like a whelp of wolves.
٩. فَما تَدومُ عَلى حالٍ تَكونُ بِها
كَما تَلَوَّنُ في أَثوابِها الغولُ
10. She does not adhere to the love she claimed
Any more than water is held in sieves.
١٠. وَما تَمَسَّكُ بِالوَصلِ الَّذي زَعَمَت
إِلّا كَما تُمسِكُ الماءَ الغَرابيلُ
11. The promises of Unayzah were an example to her,
For her promises are nothing but lies.
١١. كَانَت مَواعيدُ عُرقوبٍ لَها مَثَلاً
وَما مَواعيدُها إِلّا الأَباطيلُ
12. I hope and expect they will hurry to forever,
But they have no haste for all time.
١٢. أَرجو وَآمُلُ أَن يَعجَلنَ في أَبَدٍ
وَما لَهُنَّ طِوالَ الدَهرِ تَعجيلُ
13. Let not what she granted and promised deceive you,
For wishes and dreams are delusions.
١٣. فَلا يَغُرَّنَكَ ما مَنَّت وَما وَعَدَت
إِنَّ الأَمانِيَ وَالأَحلامَ تَضليلُ
14. Su'ad has come to a land that only noble,
Unfettered messengers can reach.
١٤. أَمسَت سُعادُ بِأَرضٍ لا يُبَلِّغُها
إِلّا العِتاقُ النَجيباتُ المَراسيلُ
15. None can reach it but proud camels
With elbows and necks dyed with indigo.
١٥. وَلَن يُبَلِّغها إِلّا عُذافِرَةٌ
فيها عَلى الأَينِ إِرقالٌ وَتَبغيلُ
16. When their flanks sweat, their broad chests
Conceal the banners, unknown.
١٦. مِن كُلِّ نَضّاخَةِ الذِفرى إِذا عَرِقَت
عُرضَتُها طامِسُ الأَعلامِ مَجهولُ
17. With wide staring eyes, they peer through the darkness
When sorrow and inclination are kindled.
١٧. تَرمي الغُيوبَ بِعَينَي مُفرَدٍ لَهَقٍ
إِذا تَوَقَدَتِ الحُزّانُ وَالميلُ
18. Big-headed, decked out, superior in their creation
To other camels, they are excellent.
١٨. ضَخمٌ مُقَلَّدُها فَعَمٌ مُقَيَّدُها
في خَلقِها عَن بَناتِ الفَحلِ تَفضيلُ
19. Of common birth, their sires, brothers and uncles
Are dusky camels with scrawny humps.
١٩. حَرفٌ أَخوها أَبوها مِن مُهَجَّنَةٍ
وَعَمُّها خَالُها قَوداءُ شِمليلُ
20. Ticks creep over them but slip off as they secrete
Musk, ambergris and fragrant herbs.
٢٠. يَمشي القُرادُ عَلَيها ثُمَّ يُزلِقُهُ
مِنها لَبانٌ وَأَقرابٌ زَهاليلُ
21. A mangy old camel thrown among the meat,
Her thighs are uncovered unlike maiden camels.
٢١. عَيرانَةٌ قُذِفَت في اللَحمِ عَن عُرُضٍ
مِرفَقُها عَن بَناتِ الزورِ مَفتولُ
22. As if what was beyond her eyes and slaughter site
From her snout and beard were a load.
٢٢. كَأَنَّ ما فاتَ عَينَيها وَمَذبَحَها
مِن خَطمِها وَمِن اللَحيَينِ بَرطيلُ
23. She passes like a palm stalk with unkempt locks
In a garment, undefiled by patches.
٢٣. تَمُرُّ مِثلَ عَسيبِ النَخلِ ذا خُصَلٍ
في غارِزٍ لَم تَخَوَّنَهُ الأَحاليلُ
24. Her hump is clear to the discerning; on her cheeks
A beauty spot, and dimples to enchant.
٢٤. قَنواءُ في حُرَّتَيها لِلبَصيرِ بِها
عِتقٌ مُبينٌ وَفي الخَدَّينِ تَسهيلُ
25. She steps with swift easy gait, in pursuit,
Throwing up pebbles, undaunted by high ground.
٢٥. تَخدي عَلى يَسَراتٍ وَهيَ لاحِقَةٌ
ذَوابِلٌ وَقعُهُنُّ الأَرضَ تَحليلُ
26. The brown lionesses leave the pebbles behind,
Not checked by mountain tops from their descent.
٢٦. سُمرُ العُجاياتِ يَترُكنَ الحَصى زِيَماً
لَم يَقِهِنَّ رُؤوسَ الأُكُمِ تَنعيلُ
27. A day the sun burns hot, its rays spread out
And the black serpents slithered from their lairs.
٢٧. يَوماً يَظَلُّ بِهِ الحَرباءُ مُصطَخِماً
كَأَنَّ ضاحِيَهُ بِالنارِ مَملولُ
28. A crier of the caravan, when it halted, proclaimed:
"The day has grown fierce, its noon is half-spent."
٢٨. كَأَنَّ أَوبَ ذِراعَيها وَقَد عَرِقَت
وَقَد تَلَفَّعَ بِالقورِ العَساقيلُ
29. A howler, weak in the hips, rose to answer him -
Her camel calf's death had not reached her.
٢٩. وَقالَ لِلقَومِ حاديهِم وَقَد جَعَلَت
وُرقُ الجَنادِبِ يَركُضنَ الحَصى قيلوا
30. She rubs camphor into her palms and breastplate
Cracked over her chest, with hanging straps.
٣٠. شَدَّ النهارُ ذِراعاً عَيطلٍ نَصَفٍ
قامَت فَجاوَبَها نُكدٌ مَثاكيلُ
31. The slanderers flank her, saying:
"You, son of Abu Sulma, are surely killed!"
٣١. نَوّاحَةٌ رَخوَةُ الضَبعَين لَيسَ لَها
لَمّا نَعى بِكرَها الناعونَ مَعقولُ
32. And each friend I hoped for said:
"You'll not find me - I'm too busy!"
٣٢. تَفِري اللِبانَ بِكَفَّيها وَمِدرَعِها
مُشَقَّقٌ عَن تَراقيها رَعابيلُ
33. I said: "Clear my path! I have no need of you!
All that the Merciful ordains comes to pass."
٣٣. يَسعى الوُشاةُ بِجَنبَيها وَقَولُهُم
إِنَّكَ يَا بنَ أَبي سُلمى لَمَقتولُ
34. Each child of womankind - though long preserved -
One day is carried on a bier.
٣٤. وَقالَ كُلُّ خَليلٍ كُنتُ آمُلُهُ
لا أُلفِيَنَّكَ إِنّي عَنكَ مَشغولُ
35. I was told that Allah's Messenger promised me
Pardon, which may be hoped for from Allah's Messenger.
٣٥. فَقُلتُ خَلّوا طَريقي لا أَبا لَكُمُ
فَكُلُّ ما قَدَّرَ الرَحمَنُ مَفعولُ
36. Wait! The one who gave you the gift of the Qur'an's extra
Contains lessons and details in it.
٣٦. كُلُ اِبنِ أُنثى وَإِن طالَت سَلامَتُهُ
يَوماً عَلى آلَةٍ حَدباءَ مَحمولُ
37. Do not take me at the words of slanderers; I have not
Sinned, though many accusations are made.
٣٧. أُنبِئتُ أَنَّ رَسولَ اللَهِ أَوعَدَني
وَالعَفُوُ عِندَ رَسولِ اللَهِ مَأمولُ
38. I will take a stance none could take
Unless he saw and heard what even an elephant might.
٣٨. مَهلاً هَداكَ الَّذي أَعطاكَ نافِلَةَ ال
قُرآنِ فيها مَواعيظٌ وَتَفصيلُ
39. It would thunder and not cease, unless interpretation
Came from the Messenger, by Allah's command.
٣٩. لا تَأَخُذَنّي بِأَقوالِ الوُشاةِ وَلَم
أُذِنب وَلَو كَثُرَت عَنّي الأَقاويلُ
40. I continued to traverse the wilderness armored
In the wings of darkness, its garment unfurled,
٤٠. لَقَد أَقومُ مَقاماً لَو يَقومُ بِهِ
أَرى وَأَسمَعُ ما لَو يَسمَعُ الفيلُ
41. Until I rested my hand - none disputes it -
In the grasp of the avenger; ending all talk.
٤١. لَظَلَّ يُرعَدُ إِلّا أَن يَكونَ لَهُ
مِنَ الرَسولِ بِإِذنِ اللَهِ تَنويلُ
42. Thus I fear him when I speak to him,
Though it was said: "You are forgiven and absolved!"
٤٢. مازِلتُ أَقتَطِعُ البَيداءَ مُدَّرِعاً
جُنحَ الظَلامِ وَثَوبُ اللَيلِ مَسبولُ
43. From a tawny lion, reducing two snarling cubs
Whose bellies scraped over a brood left behind.
٤٣. حَتّى وَضَعتُ يَميني لا أُنازِعُهُ
في كَفِّ ذي نَقِماتٍ قيلُهُ القيلُ
44. Each dawn he tears apart two quarrelling wretches,
Their flesh ripped from the clan, disgraced weaklings.
٤٤. لَذاكَ أَهَيبُ عِندي إِذ أُكَلِّمُهُ
وَقيلَ إِنَّكَ مَسبورٌ وَمَسؤولُ
45. When he guards a mate, he will not leave
Until he has subjugated her, teeth clamped on her nape.
٤٥. مِن ضَيغَمٍ مِن ضِراءَ الأُسدِ مُخدِرَةً
بِبَطنِ عَثَّرَ غيلٌ دونَهُ غيلُ
46. In his valley, the wild donkeys grow fat
And no hind passes through with her anklets.
٤٦. يَغدو فَيَلحَمُ ضِرغامَين عَيشُهُما
لَحمٌ مِنَ القَومِ مَعفورٌ خَراذيلُ
47. He remains a brother of trust in his valley,
Prey overturned and glistening flesh exposed.
٤٧. إذا يُساوِرُ قِرناً لا يَحِلُّ لَهُ
أَن يَترُكَ القِرنَ إِلّا وَهُوَ مَفلولُ
48. The Messenger is a sword by which we see light,
A sharpened blade from Allah's swords, polished smooth.
٤٨. مِنهُ تَظَلُّ حَميرُ الوَحشِ ضامِرَةً
وَلا تُمَشّي بِواديهِ الأَراجيلُ
49. Among a band of Quraysh, their chief said,
When they became Muslim, "Depart!"
٤٩. وَلا يَزالُ بِواديِهِ أخَو ثِقَةٍ
مُطَرَّحُ البَزِّ وَالدَرسانِ مَأكولُ
50. They departed and did not depart, unrelenting,
With no recoil or retreat at the encounter.
٥٠. إِنَّ الرَسولَ لَسَيفٌ يُستَضاءُ بِهِ
مُهَنَّدٌ مِن سُيوفِ اللَهِ مَسلولُ
51. The perfume of the bridal tent! Their clothes
Were brocade woven for them at David's request.
٥١. في عُصبَةٍ مِن قُرَيشٍ قالَ قائِلُهُم
بِبَطنِ مَكَّةَ لَمّا أَسَلَموا زولوا
52. Pure white, trailing robes for which rings were threaded
As if the rings of antelope horns, bent round.
٥٢. زَالوا فَمازالَ أَنكاسٌ وَلا كُشُفٌ
عِندَ اللِقاءِ وَلا ميلٌ مَعازيلُ
53. They walked with the gait of sturdy camels, protected
By a aquatic beast when the black serpents writhed.
٥٣. شُمُّ العَرانينِ أَبطالٌ لَبوسُهُمُ
مِن نَسجِ داوُدَ في الهَيجا سَرابيلُ
54. They were not delighted when their spears struck men,
Nor were they weak-willed if they attained victory.
٥٤. بيضٌ سَوابِغُ قَد شُكَّت لَها حَلَقٌ
كَأَنَّها حَلَقُ القَفعاءِ مَجدولُ
55. No blow landed but on their necks;
They had no cries of joy spared from death's grip.
٥٥. يَمشون مَشيَ الجِمالِ الزُهرِ يَعصِمُهُم
ضَربٌ إِذا عَرَّدَ السودُ التَنابيلُ
56. The Messenger is a sword by which we see light,
A sharpened blade from Allah's swords, polished smooth.
٥٦. لا يَفرَحونَ إِذا نالَت رِماحُهُمُ
قَوماً وَلَيسوا مَجازيعاً إِذا نيلوا
٥٧. لا يَقَعُ الطَعنُ إِلّا في نُحورِهِمُ
ما إِن لَهُم عَن حِياضِ المَوتِ تَهليلُ