1. Come to us, O clan of Bu'athah, for it is but a house we would dispossess and forbid,
Come to Dhubyan - its fortresses are in ruins and Samhar's horns are blunt,
١. هَلُمَّ إِلَينا آلَ بُهثَةَ إِنَّما
هِيَ الدارُ لا نَعتافُها وَنُهينُها
2. I find you not dwelling in Qunnah,
You who triple her forces and double her squadrons.
٢. هَلُمَّ إِلى ذُبيانَ إِن بِلادَها
حُصونٌ وَإِنَّ السَمهَرِيَّ قُرونُها
٣. وَلا أُلفينَكُم تَعكِفون بِقُنَّةٍ
بِتَثليثَ أَنتُم جُندُها وَقَطينُها