
Alas my wedding came when cheeks grew bearded

ألا بكرت عرسي توائم من لحى

1. Alas my wedding came when cheeks grew bearded
And dreams of women closer to repentance

١. أَلا بَكَرَت عِرسي تُوائِمُ مَن لَحى
وَأَقرَبَ بِأَحلامِ النِساء مِنَ الرَدى

2. By a virgin's side did censure slice me through
By my life, her censure was a doubled blow

٢. أَفي جَنبِ بَكرٍ قَطَّعَتني مَلامَةً
لَعَمري لَقَد كانَت مَلامَتُها ثِنى

3. Do not blame me, others bare I've spied
Who've clothed themselves throughout time in dignity

٣. أَلا لا تَلومي وَيبَ غَيرِكِ عارِياً
رَأى ثَوبَهُ يَوماً مِنَ الدَهرِ فَاِكتَسى

4. I swear had I not feared a shame confessed
Another hinted, as resolve in you gave way

٤. فَأُقسِمُ لَولا أَن أُسِرَّ نَدامَةً
وَأُعلِنَ أُخرى إِن تَراخَت بِكَ النَوى

5. And the saying, "Men who care not for our plight"
Went astray Kacb's desire and wisdom's sway

٥. وَقيلُ رِجالٍ لا يُبالونَ شَأنَنا
غَوى أَمرُ كَعبٍ ما أَرادَ وَما اِرتَأى

6. For so long estrangement sat between us two
With glances from eyes violent in their heat

٦. لَقَد سَكَنَت بَيني وَبَينَكِ حِقبَةً
بِأَطلائِها العَينُ المُلَمَّعَةُ الشَوى

7. So rider, if you happen by, relay
The sons of Milqat I was he who they meant

٧. فَيا راكِباً إِما عَرَضتَ فَبَلِّغَن
بَني مِلقَطٍ عَني إِذا قيلَ مَن عَنى

8. My people, whence I left you were so lowly
Ne'er did I desert you to a thief's domain

٨. فَما خِلتُكُم يا قَومُ كُنتُم أَذِلَّةً
وَما خِلتَكُم كُنتُم لِمُختَلِسٍ جَنى

9. You were with flatlands and with grief a snake
Whose sting no charm could ever heal again

٩. لَقَد كُنتُم بِالسَهلِ وَالحَزنِ حَيَّةً
إِذا لَدَغَت لَم تَشفِ لَدغَتَها الرُقى

10. If you grow angry or bind me to contract
Then Zayd morned in poverty's trap ensnared

١٠. فَإِن تَغضَبوا أَو تُدرِكوا لي بِذِمَّةٍ
وَأَصبَحَ زَيدٌ بَعدَ فَقرٍ قَد اِقتَنى

11. Truly with Zayd the bond is now one of might
No more obscurity for one who's seen the snare

١١. وَإِن الكُمَيتَ عِندَ زَيدٍ ذِمامَةٌ
وَما بِالكُمَيتِ مِن خَفاءٍ لِمَن رَأى

12. Proof to the elephants of all men he shows
Proof when saddled amongst horses does he bear

١٢. يَبينُ لِأَفيالِ الرِجالِ وَمِثلُهُ
يَبينَ إِذا ما قيدَ في الخَيلِ أَو جَرى

13. A racehorse like the best steed of Qasim
Tearing ground not marred by any track or rut

١٣. مُمَرٌّ كَسَرحانِ القَصيمَةِ مُنعَلٌ
مَساحِيَ لا يُدمي دَوابِرَها الوَجى

14. Hard and unyielding, determined in the haul
As if the saddle's place was his flesh bare

١٤. شَديدُ الشَظى عَبلُ الشَوى شَنِجُ النَسا
كَأَنَّ مَكانَ الرِدفِ مِن ظَهرِهِ وَعى