1. Blame me before the wailing of mourning doves
And before the crying of grieving relatives
١. الأعَلِّلانِي قَبْلَ نَوْحِ النَّوادبِ
وقبلَ بكاءِ المُعْوِلاتِ القَرائِبِ
2. And before my wandering in dust and mire
And before the rebellion of my soul over obstacles
٢. وقبل ثوائى في تُرابٍ وَجْندَلٍ
وقبْلَ نُشُوزِ النَّفْسِ فَوْقَ التَّرائِبِ
3. For if worldly life comes to me suddenly one day
It will find me having already passed my tribulations
٣. فِإِنْ تَأْتِني الدُّنْيا بِيَوْمٍ فُجَاءَةٍ
تَجِدْني وقَدْ قَضَّيْتُ مِنْها مَآرِبي