1. As if the horsemen had chased a rabbit,
Or a young gazelle with slender legs up the slopes -
١. وَكَأَنَّما تِبَعَ الفوارِسُ أرْنَباً
أو ظَبْيَ رابِيَةٍ خُفاَفاً أَشْعباَ
2. And as if they had hunted down by a wise man's side
A piece of the lofty cliffs where echo beats.
٢. وكأَنَّما طَردُوا بِجنْبَيْ عاقِلٍ
صَدْعاً من الأرْوىَ أُحِسَّ مكُلِّبا
3. I was too weak for them, though fists were ready;
Their onslaught passed and back they went, denied.
٣. أِعْجَزْتُ منهمْ والأكُفُّ تنالُني
وَمضَتْ حِياضُهُمُ وآبوا خُيبَّاَ
4. I called on Shanwah, though her tribe were no use,
And that day the patched cloak called for dogs to eat.
٤. أَدْعوشَنوءَةَ غَثَّها وسَمِينهَا
ودَعا المُرَقِّعُ يومَ ذلِكَ أَكْلُبا