
If you choose to befriend the shadows, you may be outrun

فإن تك جاريت الظلال فربما

1. If you choose to befriend the shadows, you may be outrun
And on the day of battle find yourself poorly armed

١. فَإنْ تَكُ جَارَيْتَ الظِّلالَ فَرُبَّما
سُبِقْتَ ويَوْمُ القِرْنِ عُرْيان أَسْنَعُ

2. You would forsake the brethren of purity as though they were
Sacrificial lambs or a pierced necklace

٢. وَخَلَّيْتَ إِخْوانَ الصَّفاءِ كَأَنهَّمْ
ذَبائِحُ عَنْزِ أَوْ فَحيِلٌ مُصَرَّعُ

3. And make them weep with the cooing of a dove after
You have rested, without raising a finger for them

٣. تُبَكِّيهم ُشَجْوَ الحَمامَةِ بَعْدَما
أَرَحْتَ ولَمْ تُرْفَع لَهُمْ مِنْكَ إِصْبَعُ

4. So you have contained the salvation of these three
And if you save another, for you it will be four

٤. فَهذِي ثَلاثٌ قدْ حَوَيْتَ نَجاتَها
وإنْ تَنْجُ أخْرىَ فَهْيَ عِندْكَ أرْبَعُ