
My heart a gazelle broke

شجا قلبي غزال ذو

1. My heart a gazelle broke
With clear, fetching grace

١. شَجا قَلبي غَزالٌ ذو
دَلالٍ واضِحُ السُنَّه

2. My cheeks rain, made lovely
Melody in his case

٢. أَسيلُ الخَدِّ مَربوبٌ
وَفي مَنطِقِهِ غُنَّه

3. Lo! Maidens saw in my frame
Languor for his place

٣. أَلا إِنَّ الغَواني قَد
بَرى جِسمي هَواهُنَّه

4. And said, "Heartsick with houris you pine"
I said, "Nay, that's not the case,

٤. وَقالوا شَفَّكَ الحورُ
هَوىً قُلتُ لَهُم إِنَّه

5. But for that I'm concerned
With their hurting ways."

٥. وَلكِنّي عَلى ذاكَ
مُعَنّىً بِأَذاهُنَّه

6. God give Ammar peace
From earth and their pace,

٦. أَراحَ اللَّهُ عَمّاراً
مِنَ الدُّنيا وَمِنهُنَّه

7. Far or near they come,
Being nor hearing case.

٧. بَعيداتٍ قَريباتٍ
فَلا كانَ وَلا كُنَّه

8. So wonder at me did mute
My mind, heart their chase–

٨. فَقَد أَذهَلَ مِنّي العَق
لَ وَالقَلبَ شَجاهُنَّه

9. Vain things he makes real
Denying what we say's the case.

٩. يُمَنّينَ الأَباطيلَ
وَيَجحَدنَ الَّذي قُلنَه