1. O Asim, son of Aqeel
You have adorned the world with generosity
١. عاصِمٌ يا اِبنَ عَقيلٍ
أَفسَحَ العالَمِ باعا
2. Inheritor of ancient glory
Towering, ever growing in stature
٢. وارِثَ المَجدِ قَديماً
سامِياً يَنمى اِرتِفاعا
3. Above Hubayr and his son Ja'dah
So wear the patched cloak with dignity
٣. عَن هُبَيرٍ وَاِبنِهِ جَع
دَةَ فَاِحتَلَّ التِّلاعا
4. May God mend your garment
And clothe you in a shirt and turban
٤. اِكسُني أَصلَحَكَ الل
هُ قَميصاً وَصِقاعا
5. And relieve me of tattered robes
Falling to pieces through over-use
٥. وَأَرِحني مِن ثِيابٍ
بالِياتٍ تَتَداعى
6. Long have I patched them up
Until they became mere patches
٦. طالَ تَرقيعي لَها حَت
تَى لَقَد صارَت رِقاعا
7. Nothing in them now
Except thriving lice multiplying
٧. كُلُّها لا شَيءَ فيها
غَيرَ قَملٍ تَتَساعى
8. You never cease to favor one who hopes for your kindness and favor
٨. لَم تَزَل تولي الَّذي يَر
جوكَ بِرّاً وَاِصطِناعا