1. My feet, you have lived no life for me,
And may God afflict you with the worst paralysis,
١. قَدَمِي لا عِشتِ لي مِن قَدَمِ
ورَمَاكِ اللهُ بِالبَترِ المُشِين
2. And upon your legs, you have no home but
A snake that stings now and then,
٢. وعَلَى سَاقِكِ لا دارَ سِوى
أرقم يَلدغ حيناً بَعدَ حِين
3. And may God show me your tracks
Stamped on your skin thousands of times,
٣. وَأرَاني اللهُ مِن إثرِ السِّيَا
طِ عَلى جِلدِكِ ألاَفَ المئِينِ
4. You, my inheritor of humiliation through which
My heart has become between complaining and moaning,
٤. أنتِ يَا مُورِثَتِي ذُلا بِهِ
صَارَ قَلبي بَينَ شَكوى وَأَنِينِ
5. What has compelled you to walk to
A house whose door you stand at,
٥. مَا الَّذِي ألزَمَكِ المَشىَ إلَى
مَنزِلٍ بِالبَابِ مِنهُ تقِفينِ
6. And a black servant turns the door
Away from you in his harshness that has no softness,
٦. ويَردُّ البابَ عَبدٌ أسوَدٌ
عَنك فِي قَسوَتِهِ لَيس يَلينِ
7. And the raven of the night in its squawking,
And the streams of rain flowing with force,
٧. وَغُرابُ اللَّيلِ فِي تَهوِيمِهِ
وَسُيولُ القَطرِ تَجري بِعُيُونِ
8. An hour has passed and another like it
With no one to console a sad-hearted one,
٨. سَاعةٌ مَرَّت وأُخرى مِثلُها
ليسَ مَن يَرثي لِذِي قَلبٍ حَزِينِ
9. Do not say to me for I know
He who has a compassionate heart deserves to be killed
٩. لاَ تَقُولِي لِي فَإنَّي عَالِمٌ
يَستَحِقُّ القتلَ ذو القلبِ الحَنُونِ