
We may see him sitting hunched up small

قد نراه جالسا منكمشا

1. We may see him sitting hunched up small
Like a demon if he saw something dreadful

١. قد نَراهُ جالساً مُنكمِشاً
مثلَ جانٍ إن رَأى شيئاً ذُعِر

2. So if any harm appeared to him, at once
He barked and snarled and hissed

٢. فإذا ما لاحَ له سوءٌ تَثا
ءَبَ فَوراً وتَمطَّى وزَفِر

3. Expanding the circle of harm even
If it wasn't there or didn't burst forth

٣. موسِعٌ دائرة السُّوءِ وإن
لم يكن يوجِدُه أو يَنفجِر

4. You won't see him, if any evil for him
Showed in food or drink, pause to ponder

٤. لا تَراهُ إن بَدا شَرٌّ له
في طعامٍ أو شَرابٍ يَفتَكِر

5. His soul darkened with sin, so even if
The light of guidance filled it, it wouldn't shine

٥. أظلَمت روحُه بالإثمِ فلو
حلَّ نورُ الهدى فيها لم يُنِر

6. Oh what a dog he is for evil, and a
Covenant with the dog from evil snarling

٦. يا لَكَلبٌ هو للِشَّرِّ وعَه
دِيَ بِالكلبِ منَ الشرِّ يَهِر

7. With a rotten conscience, no hope
Of any goodness from him like addled eggs

٧. ذو ضميرٍ مُنتَنٍ لا يُرتَجى
مِن صلاحٍ له كالبيضِ المذر