1. When he was straightforward but did not attain his goal
Crooked, so that successes come his way
١. لَمَّا استقامَ ولم يَفُز بِمَرامِهِ
إعوَجٌّ كي تُقضَى لهُ الأوطارُ
2. And so is time, straightforward yet failing
While the brother of crookedness attains what he desires
٢. وكذا الزَّمان فَمُستقيمٌ خائبٌ
وأخو اعوِجاجٍ نال ما يَختارُ
3. He chooses from among the beauties, captivating
Among them the does of the sand dunes are jealous
٣. يَختارُ مَن بَينِ الدِّنانِ كَواعباً
مِنهنَّ أجيادُ الظِّباءِ تَغارُ
4. Of every maiden whose neck is alluring
Veiled by extreme shyness over her face
٤. من كلِّ عَذراءٍ كَعابٍ رأسُها
يَعلوهُ من فَرطِ الحَياءِ خِمارُ
5. And he takes her seal by force though
Eyes blame him for his deed
٥. وعليه فَضُّ خِتامِها قَسراً وإن
عَلِقَت بِوَصمَةِ فِعلهِ الأنظارُ
6. Had it not been for him, joy would not be sweet for us
Nor would the rounds flow for all the drinking-companions
٦. لولاهُ ما طابَ السُّرورُ لنا وما
دارت على جَمعِ السَّراةِ عُقارُ
7. The smooth seducer runs after her when
He comes to her in bracelets and necklaces
٧. يسعى بها حُلوُ الدَّلالِ إذا يتي
هُ كمِعصَمٍ وله العُيونُ سِوارُ
8. I saw the rising of his charm shine
Poetry melts describing his beauty
٨. ألمى تَأَلَّق طلعةً مِن لُطفِه
رقَّت لوَصف جَمالِه الأشعارُ
9. O Lord of an advisor who guides me
His efforts went astray, he is only human
٩. يا رُبَّ ناهٍ ناصِحٍ لي مُرشدٍ
قد ضَلَّ سَعيُه إنَّه أمَّارُ
10. Does he torment our thoughts with his talk
I fear for them, they are but thoughts
١٠. أمُعَذِّباً بِحَديثهِ أفكارَنا
أشفِق عليها إنَّها أفكَارُ
11. I have nothing but a barren homeland that hopes
For cultivated youths it envies
١١. ما بي سِوى وطنٍ عَقيمٍ يَرتَجي
أبناءَ تَهذيبٍ عليه تَغَارُ
12. The spirit of bigotry has spread through his old age
And his youth leaned towards heresy
١٢. روحُ التَعَصُّبِ قد فَشَت في شِيبِه
وشَبابُه نحوَ التَّزندُقِ ساروا
13. And so truths are lost in
Excess, neglect, and confusion
١٣. وكذا تَضيعُ حَقائقُ الأشياء في ال
إفراطِ والتَّفريطِ وهو بَوارُ
14. Jacob’s sorrow for Joseph
Or the sorrow of Layla’s head on fire
١٤. ما حُزنُ يَعقوبٍ على ابنِه يوسفٍ
أو حُزنُ قائلَةٍ برَأسِه نارُ
15. Is not more intense than my sorrow for my homeland
Which you did, and our Lord is Capable
١٥. بأشَدَّ مَن حُزني على وَطَني الذي
هو ما عملتَ وربُّنا قَهَّارُ
16. Alas, for this time and its people
Alas, for those among them who excel
١٦. آهٍ على هذا الزَّمان وأهلِه
آهٍ على مَن فِيهمُ يَمتارُ
17. The hellfire is in their hearts and tongues
Gardens of Eden underneath which rivers flow
١٧. نارُ الجَحيمِ بِقلبِهم ولِسانُهم
جنَّاتُ عَدنٍ تَحتَها الأنهارُ
18. Their inner self is wicked and their purity is difficult
So the good and the bad became indistinguishable
١٨. خَبُثَت سَريرَتُهُم وعَزَّ صَفاؤُهُم
فَتَشابَه الأخيارُ والأشرارُ
19. They were ungrateful even when time brought out a virtuous one
Denying his merit, they cannot deny
١٩. لَؤمُوا وإن جادَ الزَّمانُ بِفاضِلٍ
إنكَارُ فَضلِه ماله إنكارُ
20. My experiences warned me about them
Experiences, my brother, are the criterion
٢٠. فتَجارِبي قد حذَّرَتني منهمُ
إن التَّجارِبَ يا أخي مِعيارُ
21. So be gentle with yourself, my aspiring friend
For the professional is the professional, and the donkey is the donkey
٢١. فارفق بِنَفسك يا مُحاوِل غايتي
فَالمَهرُ مَهرٌ والحِمارُ حِمارُ