
O majesty of the age in knowledge

يا جلال العصر علما

1. O majesty of the age in knowledge,
And beauty of the age in wisdom,

١. يا جلالَ العَصرِ عِلماَ
وَجمالَ العصر حِلما

2. O Abu Bakr, and who is named
Like Abu Bakr,

٢. يا أبَا بكرٍ وَمَن مِث
لُ أبي بَكرٍ مُسَمَّى

3. If another surpasses him in prose,
He surpasses the like of what surpassed him in verse,

٣. إن يَفُق غيرَه نَثراً
مثلُ ما فاقَه نَظما

4. For he surpassed him in knowledge,
And he surpassed him in understanding,

٤. فلقد فاقَه عِلماً
ولقد فاقَهُ فَهمَا

5. My master complains to you
Of one of you who is purblind,

٥. سيدي يشكو إليكُم
منكمُ خِدنٌ مُعَمَّى

6. Who met you and met
You with his best behavior,

٦. قد لَقاكُم ولِقاكُم
بمُناهُ يَتَسَمَّى

7. Then since he left you
He hasn't tasted the flavor of sleep,

٧. ثمَّ مُذ فارَقتُموهُ
لم يَذُق للنَّومِ طَعما

8. And he licks the wounds
Of sorrow from your manners,

٨. ومُناه لَثمُ أكوا
سٍ مِنَ آدابكَ لَثما

9. You both handle me as if I
Was spreading darkness,

٩. تَتَعاطاني منَ انوا
عِها ما يُرشَفُ ظَلمَا

10. Unless you think that he
Won't attain high rank,

١٠. علَّ أن تُجنوهُ ما لم
يَكُ قد يُدرِكُ شَمَّا

11. He hopes for nothing else
I don't see any blemish in that,

١١. لا سوى ذلكَ يَرجو
لا أرى في ذَاكَ وَصما

12. So he started bearing the pain
Of denial and advancing,

١٢. فَغَدا يُتحِمُ الأخ
طارَ إحجاماً وقُدما

13. He's no poet to be
Rebuffed by the vilest people,

١٣. ليس بِالشَّاعرِ يَستَن
دي أكُفَّ الناسِ لُؤما

14. So if they favor him,
The gentlemen tap their feet,

١٤. فإذا ما مَنَحوهُ
فهزُ السادةُ قِدما

15. And if they deprive him,
He fills the horizons with insults,

١٥. وإذا هُم حَرَموهُ
ملأَ الآفاقَ شَتما

16. He's not of that kind, but the bold
And resolute urge him on,

١٦. ليس مِن ذا الصنفِ بل يَد
عونَه الشَّهمَ الأشَمَّا

17. He knocked on your door, and gave
His name to the doorman,

١٧. حلَّ في بابكمُ واس
مَهُ للبَوَّابِ سَمَّى

18. He turned a deaf ear,
After the gentleness of my words,

١٨. قد أعارَ السَّمعَ مني
بعد لِينِ القولِ صَرما

19. So the most silent of creatures turned away,
The deafiest to hearing, blindest to sight,

١٩. فتَوَلَّى أخرَس النُّط
قِ أصَمَّ السَّمعِ أعمى

20. And the expanse of the earth in his eyes
Was like a dirham gone blind,

٢٠. وفضاءُ الأرضِ في عي
نِه كالدِّرهَمِ غَمَّا

21. Grieving at what he faced,
Biting his hand in regret,

٢١. آسفاً مما لَقاهُ
عاضِضاً كَفَّهُ نَدما