1. O you of good name, deeds, traits
And origin and fame and morals and honors
١. يا طيِّبَ الإسمِ والأفعالِ والشَّيَمِ
والأصلِ والذِّكرِ والأخلاقِ والذِّمَمِ
2. You are ill and people are in pain
As if it is the foot of all people combined
٢. لأنتَ في سَقَمٍ والناسُ في أَلمٍ
كأنَّما هىَ رِجلُ الناسِ كلِّهِمِ
3. And the people are between the questioned and his questioner
And the eye is in tears and the heart is in agony
٣. والقومُ ما بين مسؤولٍ وسائِلِهِ
والطَّرفُ في بلَلٍ والقلبُ في ضَرمِ
4. The full moon was not changed by a palm for the happy one, nor
Were the flags reversed for science and morals
٤. لا غَيَّرَ البدرَ كفٌّ للسِّرارِ ولا
نُكِّسَت لِلعلمِ والآدابِ من عَلَمِ
5. Neither did the flock of generous ones get terrified, nor
Did that sickness touch them by the hand of illness
٥. ولا تَرَوَّعَ سِربُ المًَكرُماتِ ولا
تلكَ الدماثةُ مَسَّتها يدُ السَّقَمِ
6. And the tongues of pens became mute from silence
So words stopped between scattered and organized
٦. وشوفِيَت أَلسُنُ الأقلامِ مِن خَرَسٍ
فالقولُ ماب ينَ منثورٍ ومُنتَظِمِ
7. That is the result of morals you made good
And the scent of flowers emanated in bouquets
٧. ذاكَ نتيجةُ أخلاقٍ لكم حَسُنَت
وفاوحت أرَجَ الأزهارِ في الأَكَمِ
8. I do not forget when your successor said to me one day
Give it to me, let me drink it until my mouth can no longer
٨. لم أنسَ إذ قال لي يوما خَليفَتُكُم
هاتِ اسقِنيها إلى أن لا يُطيقَ فَمي
9. So I said what happened, he said happily
The burden of pain was relieved from my beloved
٩. فقلتُ ماذا جرى فقال مُبتَهِجاً
تَخَفَّفت عن حَبيبي وطأَةُ الأَلمِ
10. We kept drinking it until we parted and we did not
Distinguish between head and foot
١٠. بِتنا نُعاقرُها حتى افتَرَقنا وما
عُدنا نُفَرِّقُ بين الرَّأسِ والقَدَمِ
11. My pen answered the call to praise you
And rarely did my pen flow with praise
١١. لَبَّى بها قَلَمي داعي مديحِكُمُ
وقَلَّما بالثَّناءِ قد جَرى قَلمي
12. In your lips is the healing of opinion from error
In your lips is the healing of justice and resolve
١٢. وفي شفاكَ شفاءُ الرأيِ من خَطَلٍ
وفي شِفاكَ شفَاءُ العدلِ والهِمَمِ
13. And your absence tells us, and the rulings inform us
The fear of the innocent to the hope of the offender
١٣. وضمَّ بُعدُكَ والأحكامُ تُخبِرُنا
خوفَ البَريءِ إلى رجاءِ مُجتَرِمِ
14. Or a foot that has not ceased to strive for glory
Alas, glory is never absent from a foot
١٤. أو قدَمٍ لم تزل لِلمَجدِ ساعيةً
هيهاتَ يُغبَنُ فيها المَجدُ مِن قَدَمِ
15. So praise be to God, recovery has come and in
That recovery is the recovery of glory and nobility
١٥. فالحمدُلِلَّهِ قد حلَّ الشِّفاءُ وفي
ذاكَ الشِّفاءِ شفاءُ المَجدِ والكَرَمِ
16. You no longer see a face other than delighted
Nor do you see today a face other than smiling
١٦. فلا ترى أمسِ وجهاً غيرَ مُكتَئِبٍ
ولا تَرى اليومَ وجهاً غيرَ مُبتَسمِ