
Congratulations on a wedding, happiness has shone

هنيئا بعرس سرور زها

1. Congratulations on a wedding, happiness has shone
Giver of greetings with goodness it overflowed

١. هَنِيئا بعُرسٍ سُرورٌ زَهَا
بَشيرُ تَهانٍ بِخَيرٍ بَها

2. With a wedding towering as a star appeared
Greetings to the Pasha, his bounty ever grows

٢. بِعُرسٍ تَسَامى عَلاَ إذ بدَت
تَهانٍ لباشا ندىً يُزدَهَى

3. Happiness atop ascended a star
With goodness ever-flowing, his kindness overflows

٣. سرُورٌ عَلا قد سمت نَجمَةٌ
بخيرِ نَدىً جُودُه بالنُّهَى

4. Shone as the star of the Master appeared
With it his bounty and joy ever grows

٤. زهَا إذ بدَت نَجمةُ سَيِّدٍ
بها يُزدهَي بالنُّهَى واللَّهَا