1. He called me from the remembrance of sickness, he called me
And bring me a cup of pure joy to drink
١. دَعَانِيَ مِن ذكرِ السًّقام دَعانيَا
وهَاتِ اسقِني كأسَ المَسَّرةِ صافِيا
2. And repeat to my hearing his songs of intimacy
With rhythms in threes and eights
٢. وكَرِّر على سَمعِي أَناشيدَ أُنسِه
مَثالِثُها في لَحنِها والمثَانِيا
3. So these are the times of joy that have passed
And often the times of joy as they were
٣. فَهذي أُوَبقاتُ السُّرورِ تَراجَعت
ودَوما اُوَيقاتُ السُّرور كمَا هِيَا
4. Yes, the full moon covered the crescent in shyness
And here is the full moon of completion shining brightly
٤. نَعم غَشِىَ البدرُ السِّرارُ هُنيهةً
وهَاهو بدرُ التَّمِّ قد لاَح ضَاويا
5. And the heart of the two was not beating
Except for a moment after which it became calm
٥. وما كَان قلبُ الخَافِقينِ بخافِقٍ
سِوى لحظةٍ من بعدِها صَار هَادِيا
6. The eye of glory, generosity and highness was tested
And it was not tested until it started laughing out loud
٦. قدِ ابتلَّ طرفُ المجدِ والجودِ والعُلاَ
وما ابتلَّ حتَّى صار يضحَكُ عَاليا
7. And our hearts were not saddened except so
That joy becomes following sadness
٧. ومَا اكتأبت منا القُلوبُ سِوى لكَى
يكُونَ سرورٌ للكَآبةِ تَالِيا
8. And if our faces frowned, it was only
So the light of joy appears clearly
٨. وإِن عَبَسَت منا الوُجوهُ فإِنما
لِيُضحى بها نورُ التهلُّلِ باديَا
9. The sigh of a grieving one and the return of a sigh
With excessive joy returned in the heart collapsing
٩. تَنَهُّدُ مَحزونٍ ورَجعُ تَنَهُّدٍ
بفرطِ سُرورٍ عادَ في القلبِ هَاويا
10. So oh happy one who sings with the tunes of my pleasures
Repeat it to the ears, you have revived happy one
١٠. فيا شاديا يشدو بنَيلِ مُنَائِيا
أعِدهُ علَى الأسمَاع حُيِّيتَ شَاديا
11. For here is the face of our coveted one shining
And it suffices the world the shining of the face of the coveted one
١١. فها وَجهُ مولاَنا التِّهامى مُشرِقٌ
وَحَسبُ الورَى إشراقُ وجهِ التَّهاميا
12. And the hope of all worlds has been realized
And before the hope of all worlds, my hope
١٢. وأضحَى رجاءُ العالمينَ مُحقَّقا
وقبلَ رجاءِ العالمِين رجَائِيا
13. And it is not strange that devoted servants
Remember their Master, Master of the loyal ones
١٣. وليسَ عَجِيبا أن عُبَيدٌ مُمَلَّكٌ
تَذكَّرَهُ مولاَهُ مولَى المَوَالِيا
14. Yes, all that is strange in the matter, if
It appeared to you, by God, as it appeared to me
١٤. نَعم كلُّ ما في الأمرِ مِن عجَبٍ إذا
بَدا لكُمُ واللهِ ما قَد بَدا لِيا
15. He remembered Him without any pain to Him
So He was a beloved near his Lord, precious
١٥. تَذَكَّرَهُ من دُون ما ألمٌ به
فكانَ حَبيبا عندَ ربِّه غَاليا
16. And He was righteous and compassionate to Him because
By his nature, He is of righteous compassion, comforting
١٦. وكانَ به بَراًّ شَفوقاً لأنَّه
بخُلُقِهِ ذو بِرِّ شَفوقٍ مُوَاسيا
17. And for God in this existence there are apparent things
And for God in this existence, hidden things
١٧. وللهِ في هَذا الوُجودِ ظَوّاهِرٌ
وللِه في هَذا الوُجودِ خَوافِيا
18. Behold, the processions of congratulations came in succession
Their cities from west and valley
١٨. ألاَ انظُر وُفودَ التَّهنئاتِ تلاَحقَت
حَواضِرها من مَغربٍ وبَواديا
19. They came like madmen in the deserts competing
With a heart that became their guide
١٩. أتوا كقِلاَصٍ في الفِجَاجِ تَواخَذت
يحثُّهمُ قلبٌ لهم صار حَادِيا
20. So from one praising and thanking his Lord
And another supplicating Him and another praying
٢٠. فَمِن ناطِقٍ بالحمدِ يَشكُرُ ربَّهُ
وآخَرَ يرجُوه وآخر دَاعيا
21. And they find before speaking from the good tidings of His face
Evidence of the gratitude of feelings sufficient
٢١. ويلقَونَ قبلَ النُّطق من بِشر وَجهِه
دَليلا على شُكرِ العَواطِف كَافيا
22. And the sultan of the country came congratulating
And his congratulations were the dearest congratulations
٢٢. وقد جَاء سُلطانُ البلادِ مُهنِّئاً
وكانت تَهانيه أعزَّ التَّهانِيا
23. He came to greet affection in it proving
That this affection grows vigorously
٢٣. أتاهُ يُحَيِّي الودَّ فيه مُبَرهِنا
علَى أنَّ ذاك الودَّ يزدادُ نامِيا
24. So thanks for those praiseworthy traits and morals
And honor through them these righteous principles
٢٤. فشُكراً لِهَاتيكِ الشَّمائِل والنُّهَى
وأكرِم بِهَاتيك المَبادي مَبَادِيا
25. Blessed is He who gave the coveted one status
Above the stars, rising while He is settled in the heart
٢٥. تَباركَ مَن أولَى التهامَى رُتبَةً
على النَّجمِ تسمُو وهوَ في القلبِ ثَاويا
26. When we praise Him, we only
Greet the excellence of highness and ascendance
٢٦. إذا نحنُ أثنينَا عليه فإِنَّما
نُحيِّي به جِيدَ العُلاَ والمعَاليا
27. And a spirit whose spirit is the soul of fragrance fluttering
And from a breeze that blew, the gentlest surroundings
٢٧. ورُوحاً لها رَوحُ العَبير تأرُّحاً
ومِن نَسمةٍ هبَّت أرقَّ حَواشِيا
28. And I used to say my soul is his ransom
But my soul did not know rhymes
٢٨. وكُنتُ أقولُ الرُّوحُ مني فِداؤُهُ
ولكنَّ رُوحي ما عرَفتُ القَوافيَا
29. So were it not for safety in his life, if
My time had power over me, I would not have known rhymes
٢٩. فلولا أَمانٌ في مُحَيَّاهُ إِن سَطا
عَليَّ زَمانِي ما عَرفتُ القَوافيا
30. And were it not for Him, I would have abandoned poetry and returned
To speak it only complaining of my time
٣٠. ولولاَه طلَّقتُ القريضَ ولم أعُد
لِقولِهِ إِلاَّ شاكِيا مِن زمَانِيا
31. Especially those who do not know his
Status to me and did not know my status to him
٣١. ولا سيَما مَن يَجهلُون مكَانَه
لَدَّى ولَم يَدرُوا لَديه مَكَانِيا
32. Alas stupidity for the ignorant and misguidance
For their efforts, hoping to distance me from him
٣٢. ألاَ سُبَّةً للجاهلين وضِلَّةً
لِسَعيهُمُ يرجونَ منه ابتِعَاديَا
33. And they have no vengeance upon me, and if
They do, by God I have not known it since I was conscious
٣٣. وما لَهُمُ ثَأرٌ علىَّ وإن يكُن
فَوَالله ما أدريه مُذ كنتُ دَارِيا
34. If the poverty of love was my sin to them
Then how did it harm them if I was content with poverty
٣٤. إذا كَان فقرُ الحبِّ ذنبِي لَديهِمُ
فما ضَرَّهم إن كنتُ بِالفَقرِ راضِيا
35. And the poverty of souls, if they knew it
Truly, their eyes about it would be teary
٣٥. وفَقرُ نفُوسٍ لو هُمُ يعلَمُونَه
بِحقٍّ لَدام الطَّرفُ منهُمُ دامِيا
36. My God, I am content with my state and thankful
For Your blessings, this is beyond my contentment with my state
٣٦. إلَهي أنا راضٍ بِحَالي وشَاكرٌ
لِنُعمَاكَ هذِي عن رِضَائي بِحَاليا
37. And my request is only to perpetuate the coveted one
And keep him for me as long as Your generosity remains
٣٧. وما طِلبِتي إلا التِّهامِي تُديمُهُ
وتُبقِيه لي ما دام جُودُكَ باقِيَا