1. The youth who caused my heart such anguish when he was stripped of his robes,
His slender form contends with the bough of a willow,
١. تجردَ من أثوابِه الرَشأُ الذي
ألمَّ بقلبي من غرَامه ما ألَم
2. And his luminous face contends with the full moon.
I understood by his embrace he would quench my grief,
٢. فضارعَ غصنَ البانِ عادلُ قَدِّهِ
وفي وجهِه الوضَّاءِ ضارعَ بَدرَ تَم
3. Does not the one who strips himself bare also offer an embrace?
٣. فَهِمتُ بِضميهِ لإِطفاءِ لَوعَتي
وَهَل عِند تَجريدِ المُضارعِ لا يُضَم