
My Master, whose command is obeyed,

مولاي يا من أمره مسموع

1. My Master, whose command is obeyed,
And whose decree among mankind is exalted,

١. مولاي يا مَن أمرُه مسموعُ
وقَدرُه بينَ الورَى مَرفوعُ

2. He for whom the sun of His glory shines,
And for the crescent of His fortune rises,

٢. وَمَن لِشمسِ جاهِه سُطوعُ
ولِهلالِ سَعدهِ طلُوعُ

3. And musk gushes forth at the mention of Him—
Your poet and servant hopefully awaits

٣. والمِسكُ عند ذكرِه يَضُوعُ
شاعرُكُم وعبدكم طَمُوعُ

4. A leave of one week's duration,
To follow up on the regular salary owed.

٤. في رُخصةٍ مِقدارُها أسبوعُ
تَابِعةٍ والراتِبُ المتبُوعُ