
I imprisoned myself with my own hands

سجنت نفسي بيدي

1. I imprisoned myself with my own hands
Without being sentenced

١. سَجنتُ نفسِي بيَدِي
مِن غيرِ ما حُكمٍ عَلَي

2. I remained behind the door in
The darkness of my gloomy night

٢. بَقيتُ خلفَ البابِ في
ظُلمةِ ليلٍ حَندَسِي

3. Waiting for the visit of one
Who is my only wish

٣. مُنتظِراً زَورةَ مَن
كُلُّ المُنَى هُو لَدَي

4. How many footsteps did I think were
The footsteps of my tormentor

٤. كَم مِن خُطى حَسَبتُها
خُطَى شَقَينَ مُهجَتِي

5. So my heart would jump and I would
Prick up my ears

٥. فَيقفزُ القَلبُ وأر
هُفُ لِسمعِ أُذنِي

6. Her voice may fade away
And despair returns to me

٦. قد يتَلاشَى صوتُها
فَيرجِعُ اليأسُ إلَي

7. Then I go back again
And sit on my seat

٧. ثُم أعُود ثَانيا
أجلُس فوقَ مَقعَدِي

8. Standing erect in my stance
With my hand on the door

٨. مُنتَصِباً في وقفَتِي
في البابِ واضِعا يَدِي

9. And so I spent those
Two hours, O brother

٩. وهكَذا قَضَيتُ تِل
كَ السَّاعتَين يا أخِي

10. And whenever I told my heart
To despair, one of my two comforts

١٠. وكُلَّمَا قلتُ لِقل
بي اليأسُ إحدَى رَاحَتي

11. Would say, "Have patience, perhaps
His conscience is still alive

١١. يَقولُ صَبرا رُبمَا
ضَميرُه يكونُ حَي

12. For loyalty to one's promise is the trait
Of a free and noble man"

١٢. إنَّ الوفاءَ بالوُعو
دِ شيمَةُ الحُرِّ السَّرِي

13. It would say, "Have patience, maybe
He will fulfill his faithful promise"

١٣. يقولُ صَبراً رُبمَا
يُنجزُ وعدَه الوفِي

14. And when it saw what
It saw, what had happened to me

١٤. وعِندمَا أبصرَ ما
أبصَرَ ما قد حَلَّ بي

15. It addressed me saying
"This conscience is not alive

١٥. خاطَبنِي بقَولِه
ضَميرُ ذَا ليسَ بِحَى

16. So leave him and leave mentioning him
For you are nothing to him"

١٦. فاترُكهُ واترُك ذكرَه
فَلسَت عِندَه بِشَي