
O Lord, You are the Sustainer of all servants

يا رب أنت رازق العباد

1. O Lord, You are the Sustainer of all servants
Both present and absent

١. يا ربِّ أنتَ رازقُ العِبادِ
جَميعهِم من حاضِرٍ وبادٍ

2. You have made their sustenance in the hands
Of one another eternally

٢. وقد جَعلتَ رِزقَهُم على يَدِ
بَعضِهِمُ بَعضٍ بشكلٍ سَرمَدي

3. Yet my sustenance was cut off
By some intentionally, who withheld it

٣. وكانَ رِزقي آتياً فَقَطَّعَه
بعضُهمُ عَمداً وعَني مَنَعَه

4. So cut off their sustenance as they cut mine
And scatter their unity, leaving none behind

٤. فاقطَع إلهي رِزقَهُ كما قَطَع
رِزقي وشَتِّت شَملَهُ ولا تَدَع

5. Expose their disgrace amongst all people
To become a lesson seen by those who perceive

٥. أشهِر فَضِيحَتَهُ ما بين الوَرى
حتى يَصيرَ عِبرةً لِمن يَرى

6. I raise my palms in plea to You my Master
That they may die in utter failure and disaster

٦. رفعتُ يا مولاي كفَّ الابتهال
لَكَ لِكَى يَموتَ في أسو إحال

7. O Almighty, O Avenger, nurture them
With the prayer of the oppressed, You know best

٧. رَبَّاهُ يا جَبَّارُ يامُنتَقِم
بدَعَوةِ المَظلومِ أنتَ أعلَمُ