1. O sun of the west, truly we have not heard
That you are weary of dwelling there
١. أشمسَ الغربِ حقًّا ما سمِعنا
بأنكَ قد سئِمتَ به الإقامَه
2. And that you have resolved to rise
To an east you have marked with a sign
٢. وأنكَ قد عزمتَ على طُلُوعٍ
إلى شرقٍ سمَوتَ به عَلامَه
3. Truly you have shaken every pillar in us
By God's truth, do not resurrect the Day of Judgment
٣. لقد زَلزَلتَ مِنا كلَّ رُكنٍ
بحَقِّ اللهِ لا تُقِمِ القِيامَه