1. As you wish, so time will obey
Your conquests march behind you, triumph and victory
١. كما شئتَ مُر فالدهرُ مُمَتَثِلٌ أمرا
تَسوقُ ظِباه خلفَكَ الفتحَ والنَّصرا
2. Excellence saw you as its equal when you came forth
Seeking only acceptance as its dowry
٢. رأتكَ المَعالي كُفأها حين أقبلت
وما طلبت إلا القَبول لها مهرا
3. To the valiant, intrepid horseman it handed over its reins
Ask the sharp, first-thrust lance and the virgin raid
٣. إلى الفارسِ المِغوارِ ألقت زِمامَها
سَلوا الطَّعنةَ النجلاءَ والفَتكَةَ البكرا
4. So it advanced with you like light in the gloom of night
And in your haste you were like a specter on the highway
٤. فَسرَت بها كالنُّور في غَسقِ الدُّجى
وكنتَ منَ الإسراعِ كالطَّيفِ في المَسرى
5. You left behind lasting, continuous glory
And revived a faith that brought good tidings to all humanity
٥. وأبقيتَ مِن مجدٍ تليدٍ أرومةً
وأحييتَ من دينٍ به عَمَّتِ البُشرى
6. Wherever your feet tread the open desert, it turned green
With herbage on both sides blossoming and flourishing
٦. وما وطِئت أقدامُك الرَّبعَ ما حِلاً
من اليُمنِ إلا أعشَبَ الرَّوضُ واخضَّرا
7. For my life, we made the pilgrimage twice an obligatory duty
And to see your radiant aspect is the final pilgrimage
٧. حَجَجنا لَعَمري مرتين فريضةٌ
ورُؤيةُ هذي الطلعةِ الحجَّةُ الأخرى
8. A king whose traits spread in both worlds
With the scent of musky youth, it wafted fragrance afar
٨. مَليكٌ سَرَت في العالَمينَ خِصالُه
بِذكرِ فتيقِ المِسكِ فاوَحَهُ نَشَرا
9. The hill of Sowda has appeared to all eyes
Its sides adorned with the flowers of his morals, wide open
٩. رَسَت منه للأنظارِ هضبةُ سُؤددٍ
على جانِبيها زَهرُ أخلاقِه افتَرَّا
10. A king, when you see him on his day of generosity
You see even oceans called from his liberality
١٠. مَليكٌ إذا أبصرتَه يومَ جُودِه
تَرى الطَّودَ يُدعى من سمَاحَتهِ بَحرا
11. Not even a crouching beggar's glance kindled
More beautifully than his, smiling with his rows of teeth
١١. وما الضَّيغمُ الجاثي تَوقَّد نَظرةً
بأروعَ منه وهو مُبتسِمٌ ثَغرا
12. The house of Saud flowed wherever its cloak flowed
With glories, and where the foal counts the Pleiades
١٢. جرى أل سَعودٍ حيثُ جرَّت رِداءَها ال
مَعالي وحيثُ الطَّفلُ يُتعِدُ الشِّعرى
13. And where dew and generosity are their lowest traits
And where death flees in terror of their might
١٣. وحيثُ النَّدى والجودُ أدنى صِفاتِهم
وحيثُ يَفِرُّ الموتُ من بَأسِهِم ذُعرا
14. When their youths and elders march forth
You see the lands and stars bejeweled
١٤. إذا درجت فِتيانُهم وكُهولُهم
تُريكَ بُدورَ الأرضَ والأنجمَ الزُّهرا
15. O most glorious of earth's kings, you remained their pride
And it suffices them that you remain their glory forever
١٥. أَفَخرَ مُلوكِ الأرضِ لا زِلتَ فَخرَهُم
ويَكفيهِمُ أن لا تَزال لهم فَخرا
16. You restored the era of the Rightly Guided in justice
Safety, revival of our noble Law
١٦. أعدتَ زمانَ الراشدينَ عدالةً
وأمناً وإحياءً لشِرعَتِنا الغَرَّا
17. And opened with the light of Sharia eyes that were closed
And darkened the eyes of its enemies, red with hatred
١٧. وفتَّحتَ في نورِ الشَّريعةِ أعيُناً
وأظلمتَ من أعدائها المُقَلَ الحَمرا
18. You illuminated the dark night of Islam
Without you, Islam would not have seen the dawn
١٨. أنرتَ مَن الإسلامِ سُدفَة لَيلِه
ولولاكَ للإسلام ما أبصَر الفَجرا
19. I remember, O Abdulaziz, though you were not yet
A man, and the night of ignorance had let down its veil
١٩. أتَذكُرُ يا عبدَ العزيزِ ولم تَكُن
بِناسٍ وليلُ الجَهلِ قد سَدلَ السِّترا
20. When chaos was widespread and its affliction everywhere
And its people sowed corruption and were content with unbelief
٢٠. وإذا عمَّتِ الفَوضى وعمَّ بَلاؤُها
وعاثَ فساداً أهلُها وارتَضَوا كُفرا
21. When the market of sin flourished and its landmarks erected
And they found its taste sweet and pure
٢١. وقد نَفقَت سوقُ الفُجورِ وشُيِّدَت
مَعالِمُه واستَعذَبوا طَعمَه المُرَّا
22. And the hand of aggression stretched to wreak havoc
And tears of faith flowed from a dusty eye
٢٢. ومُدَّت يدُ العُدوانِ تَفتِكُ جُهدَها
وسالت دُموعُ الدِّينِ من مُقلةٍ غَبرى
23. When zeal for Islam and the faith had died
And the flood overwhelmed it with great innovations
٢٣. وماتت عنِ الإسلامِ والدِّينِ غيرةٌ
وَطمَّ عليه السَّيلُ من بِدَع كُبرى
24. Religion turned to you with the glance of its hope
And called for help in secret, and you answered its call openly
٢٤. فَرَدَّدَ فيكَ الدِّينُ طَرفَ رَجائهِ
ونادى الرَّجا سِراً فَلبيَّتَه جَهرا
25. The cub of its lion roared to life
Baring its sharp fangs and claws for victory
٢٥. وثارَ منَ الآسادِ ثائرُ شِبلِها
وقد أَبرزَ النَّابَ المُحَدَّدَ والظُّفرا
26. You were not richly provisioned before
But God's help provides the greatest provision
٢٦. وما كنتَ بالمَوفورِ قَبلُ ذَخيرةً
ولكنَّ عونَ اللهِ أعظِم بهِ ذُخرا
27. Whoever trusts in God will not be lacking
And abundant provisions do not make one arrogant
٢٧. وما قلَّ مِن باللَّهِ كانَ اعتِصامُه
وما كثُرَ المَوفورُ بالخَيرِ مُغتَرَّا
28. The fervor of faith, honesty of purpose
And dignity of a soul that cannot be bought or sold
٢٨. حرارةُ إيمانٍ وصدقُ عَويمةٍ
وعِزَّةُ نفسٍ لا تُباعُ ولا تُشرى
29. So you marched with the army of forty, though you were not
To intimidate the multitudes of your enemies
٢٩. فَسِرتَ بِجيشِ الأربعينَ ولم تَكُن
لِتَرهَبَ من أعدائِك العَدَدَ الكَثرا
30. Yes, it was the army of forty, adamant
Overflowing the face of the earth with swift steeds
٣٠. نعم كانَ جيشُ الأربعينَ وقد طَما
وفاضَ على وجهِ الثَّرى عَسكَراً مُجرا
31. You made them steadfast in spirit
For they would find no steadfastness in aiding God's religion
٣١. فسرت بهم أن يصبروا في نفوسهم
فعن نصر دين الله لن يجدوا صبرا
32. You struck the heart of the wasteland, and perhaps
You cleaved open a dusty plain
٣٢. ضَرَبتَ بِهم قلبَ الفَلاةِ ورُبَّما
شَقَقتَ بِهِم عن بَطنِ أفيحَ مُغبَرَّا
33. You see the galloping horses prancing under them
As if the galloping steeds were drunk with them
٣٣. تَرى صافِناتِ الخَيلِ تَختالُ تَحتَهُم
كأنَّ الجِيادَ الصَّافناتِ بِهم سَكرى
34. They come roaring at night as it conceals them
To reveal by dawn a morning of victory, if it wills
٣٤. فأدهمُ أمَّا الليلُ فهو إهابُهُ
ويُسفِرُ عن صُبحٍ منَ النَّصرِ إن كَرَّا
35. Blond in the complexion of dawn, except
It drags the night of destruction upon the enemy
٣٥. وأشقرُ في لَونِ الضُّحَى غيرَ أنَّه
يَجُرُّ على الأعداءِ ليلَ الرَّدى جَرَّا
36. In Qafr, but in Qana trees appeared
As if the water of iron flowed in it as a river
٣٦. بِقَفر ولكن بالقَنا شَجَراً بَدا
كَرَوضٍ جَرى ماءُ الحَديدِ به نَهرا
37. The embers of the night kindled the stars
Until the dust of dawn above it scattered
٣٧. وأوقَد فحمَ اللَّيلِ جمرُ كَواكب
إلى أن رَمادُ الصُّبحِ من فَوقِها ذُرَّا
38. The tongue of dawn touches the horizon of generosity
And the darkness spills ink upon it
٣٨. ومُدَّ لِسانُ الصُّبحِ يَلمَسُ رُقعَةَ ال
وُجودِ وقد سالَ الدُّجى فوقَها حِبرا
39. So you ignited in the enemy's timber the fire of the sword
And made them know what was their rightful due
٣٩. فأوقدتَ نارَ السَّيفِ في حَطَبِ العِدى
وأدرَيتَهُم ما كان من حَقِّه يُدرى
40. Bowing and prostration - in them the summit and antelope
You made their chests and necks their prayer niche
٤٠. ركوعٌ سجودٌ فيهمُ السُّمرُ والظبى
وقد جعلت مِحرَابَها الصَّدرَ والنَّحرا
41. Drawing lines in the pages of their chests
With the white steel of Qana inscribing the line
٤١. تَخُطُّ سطوراً في صَحائفِ صَدرِهم
ببيضٍ ومِن سُمرِ القنا تُعجِمُ السَّطرا
42. For him belongs to God a dark, grim day
And many days like it have passed, and many like him
٤٢. لهُ اللهُ في يومٍ عبوسٍ ولَيلةٍ
وكم مثلُها مرَّت وكم مثلُه مَرَّا
43. In Bukayriyya, and on that day against them
The eagle of death seeks in their skulls a den
٤٣. بكيريَّة واليومُ في القوم يَومُها
يُطالِبُ نسرُ الموتِ في هامِهِم وَكرا
44. And the day of Sudair, Riyadh and Mahmal
And the day of Hasa, Washm, Shamar and Shaffar
٤٤. ويومُ سديرٍ والرِّياضِ ومَحملٍ
ويومُ الحَسا والوشمِ والشَّمر والشَّفر
45. And the day of ‘Usayr, Qassim and Hail
Besieged in Jouf and Sarhan without escape
٤٥. ويوم عسيرٍ والقَصيمِ وحائلٍ
وبالجوفِ والسرحانِ قد حُصِروا حَصرا
46. You destroyed them by killing, capture and humiliation
And the fate of wrongdoers is to be killed or captured
٤٦. فأفنيتَهم قَتلاً وأسراً وذِلَّةً
وكانَ جزاءُ الظَّالمِ القتلَ والأسرَا
47. You did not forget the right of clemency when you captured them
And their tears were flowing, and their breaths burning
٤٧. ولم تنسَ حقَّ الحِلمِ حين أسَرتَهُم
ومُقلتُهم عَبرى وأنفاسُهم حَرَّى
48. You captured them, yet pardon was their place of shelter
They are not like other captives, though they are captives
٤٨. أسَرتَهُمُ والصَّفحُ عنهمُ مُنتَوىً
فما هُم منَ الأسرىَ وإن هُم منَ الأسرى
49. You triumphed over the warlords after
Pardoning them, and after pardon you treated them with
٤٩. ظَفِرتَ بأربابِ الحَفائظِ بَعدَما
عفوتَ وبعدَ العفوِ أولَيتَهُم بِرَّا
50. kindness
But they betrayed and returned to loss in trade
٥٠. فخانوا وعادوا بالِخَسارِ تِجارَةً
وحاقَ بِهم مكرٌ وقد أمِنوا المَكرا
51. And cunning befell them though they felt safe from cunning
Indeed, they broke the pact out of the corruption of their souls
٥١. لقد نَكَثوا بالعهدِ من خُبثِ نَفسِهم
ألاَ إنَّ خُبثَ النفسِ داؤُه لن يَبرا
52. For the corruption of the soul, its illness will not be cured
More complex than the sickness of hearts is their rancor
٥٢. وأعضلَ مِن مرضى القُلوبِ نِفاُُهم
فكانَ الجزاءُ الحَقُّ أن يَسكُنوا القَبرا
53. So their rightful due was for them to inhabit the grave
On the outskirts of Najd and all the tribes
٥٣. بأطرافِ نجدٍ والقَبائلِ كلِّها
وفَتحُ حجازٍ كانتِ الآيةَ الكُبرى
54. And the opening of Hejaz - that was the greatest sign
You divided its spoils after the encounter
٥٤. تَقاسَمتَها بعدَ اللِّقاءِ غَنيمةٌ
فمِن مُجتَنٍ نَصراً ومِن مُجتَنٍ كَسرا
55. To some victory's share, and to some defeat's share
So just as you made the slain their captives
٥٥. فمن جُثتِ القتلى أسَرتَهم كَما
أدَرتَ عليهم من كؤوسِ الرَّدَى خَمرا
56. You made them drink from cups of destruction wine
As if saddled steeds were cleaved into their eyelids
٥٦. كأنَّ رِكاباً فُتِّحت في جُفونِهم
لِتُطفئَ ما بالصَّدرِ يَلتهبُ الصَّدرا
57. To extinguish the burning embers in their chests
And you won victory - none survived but those
٥٧. وفُزتَ بِنَصرٍ حين لم يَنجُ منهمُ
سوى مَن على الساقَين من عُمرٍ فَرَّا
58. Who fled on their legs from the fray
Between one who fights for Muhammad's religion
٥٨. وكم بينَ مَن يغزو لِدينِ مُحمَّدٍ
لِينصرَهُ نصراً وينشُرَه نَشرا
59. To aid it, spreading it far and wide
And one who fights and exerts himself
٥٩. وبين الذي يَغزو ويُجهِدُ نفسَه
ليُشِبع لذَّاتٍ ويَنعَمَ بالذِّكرى
60. Only to satisfy his pleasures and enjoy reminiscing
By my life, the latter is dead before his death
٦٠. فهذا لَعَمري مَيِّتٌ قبلَ موتِهِ
وذلك عُمرُ الدَّهرِ أضحى له عُمرا
61. While the former lives forevermore
A young man's life is perceiving the secret of his life
٦١. حياةُ الفتَى إدراكُ سرِّ حياتِهِ
وما الموتُ إلا جَهلُه ذلكَ السِّرَّا
62. Death is nothing but ignorance of that mystery
If a king neglects his religion's rites
٦٢. إذا لم يقِم ملكٌ شَعائرَ دينِهِ
وأعوزَهُ للدِّينِ نَشرٌ فلا خَيرا
63. And lacks spreading it, then no good
Let blood water their eyes with a glance from you
٦٣. فدُم لِلعِدى تُرديهمُ منكَ نظرةٌ
وتَسقيهمُ سُمًّا وتُصليهمُ جَمرا
64. Give them poison to drink and burning embers to pray on
Do not sheathe the long, noble sword
٦٤. ولا تُغمِدِ السيفَ الطَّويلَ نِجادهُ
فليسَ سِواهُ مُرهَمٌ يكشفُ الضُّرَّا
65. Nothing else will drive away harm like it
It shone white when first unsheathed
٦٥. وأبلجَ وضَّاحَ المُحَيَّا إذا بَدا
دُجى مُدلَهمَّاتِ الخُطوب يَلُح فَجرا
66. If the darkness of gloomy tribulations appears at dawn
And safety that protects sheep from wicked foxes
٦٦. وأمنٌ يُجيرُ الشاةَ من خُبثِ أطلسٍ
ومن خيسٍ لَيثٍ يُحِمُ الظبيةَ الوَعَّر
67. And wretched wolves that ambush the lost antelope
You began in Turaif shy of twenty
٦٧. بدأتَ طريراً دونَ عشرينَ حِجَّة
وأتمَمتَ لِلخمسينَ أعمالَك الكُبرى
68. And completed by fifty your greatest deeds
Still religion hopes for your extension
٦٨. وما زالَ منكَ الدِّينُ يرجو امتدادَهُ
فلا زلتَ يا عبدَ العزيزِ له ذُخرا
69. O Abdulaziz, you remain its treasure
God has granted you the noblest rank
٦٩. حباكَ إلهُ العرشِ أشرَفَ رُتبَةٍ
وعَظَّمَ منكَ اللهُ جاهَكَ والقَدرا
70. And given you from Himself great stature and destiny
And inspired you with guidance, justice and righteousness
٧٠. وأولاكَ مُلكاً في جوارِ نَبيِّهِ
وألهمَكَ التَّوفيقَ والعدلَ والبرَّا
71. You assumed the throne of thrones - how not?
For the best of God's creation has neighbored the grave
٧١. تَبوَّأتَه عرشَ العُروشِ وكيفَ لا
ومن خيرِ خلقِ اللهِ قد جاوَرَ القَبرا
72. Through that blessed neighboring, increase in joy and glory
For its dweller, best of mortals, has been gladdened by you
٧٢. بِه مِن جوارٍ زِد سُروراً وغِبطَةً
فساكِنُه خيرُ الورى بكَ قد سُرَّا
73. And how, when you have revived his way (Sunnah)
And established limits from his noble Law
٧٣. وكيف وقد أحيَيتَ سُنَّتَهُ وقد
أقَمتَ حُدوداً من شَريعتِه الغَرَّا
74. You have taken what God ordered for His creation
And come to the idols, destroying them
٧٤. وقُمتَ بما أوصَى به اللهُ خَلقَهُ
وجئتَ إلى الأوثانِ أفنَيتَها كَسرا
75. Without you, O he whose sword fortified security
I would not have been in one land or awakened in another
٧٥. ولولاكَ يا مَن وطَّدَ الأَمنَ سَيفُه
لَمَا كنتُ في أرضٍ وأصبحتُ في أُخرى
76. You were born in the month of Pilgrimage, a sign
Pointing to you, honoring it as a month
٧٦. ولِدتَ بِشَهِر الحجِّ مَغزى إشارةٍ
إليكَ بتَظيم فعظمتَهُ شَهرا
77. So remain protecting Islam's banner, defending its sanctity
And remain for Islam's children if they seek support
٧٧. فَدُم لِحِمى الإسلامِ تَحمي لِواءَهُ
ودُم لِبني الإسلامِ إن تَستَنِد ظَهرا
78. Remain stationed around the den, do not sleep
For enemies still eye it with glittering blades
٧٨. ودُم رابضاً حولَ العرَينِ ولا تَنَم
فما زالتِ الأعداءُ تَرمُقُه شَزرا
79. What poet who knew not flattery - take his verse
In its shyness, a virgin ode
٧٩. ومِن شاعرٍ لم يعرفِ المَدحَ شِعرُهُ
فَخُذهَا على استِحيائها غادةً بِكرا
80. The pride of a soul that does not permit a poet
Praise, but my verses were only thanks
٨٠. وعِزَّة نفسٍ لا تُبيحُ لِشاعرٍ
مَديحاً ولكن كانَ منِّي الثَّنا شُكرا
81. They are only recounting your deeds
Whose light covered land and sea, blinding
٨١. فما هي إلا سردُ أعمالِكَ التي
أضاءَت فَغَطَّى نورُها البَرَّ والبَحرا
82. Forgive me, my master, if I was incapable
Of encompassing what numbers themselves cannot encompass
٨٢. وعفوا أيا مولايَ إن كنتُ عاجزاً
على حصرِ ما الأرقامُ أعجزَها حَصرا
83. You are none but the sun - our eyes recoil
Dazzled if we attempt to gaze at it directly
٨٣. فما أنتَ إلا الشمسُ يَرتَدُّ طَرفُنا
كليلاً إذا رُمنا لِنُصِرَها قَسرا
84. How can poetry enumerate your beauties?
Even if I exhausted my poetry in praising you
٨٤. وكيف يعُدُّ الشعرُ منكَ محاسِناً
ولو أنني أفنيتُ في مدحِكَ الشِّعرا
85. Leave them without you, for they have chosen you
As their equal, the bashful showing them excuse
٨٥. فدونَكَها فهي انتَحَتكَ على النَّوى
كَكُفءٍ وقد أبدى الحياءُ لها عُذرا
86. From Morocco's furthest west a greeting comes to you
Conveyed by their people's poet of the red sands
٨٦. منَ المغربِ الأقصى أتتكَ تَحِية
يُبَلِّغُها عن أهلِه شاعرُ الحَمرا