1. As you have said, by God he has no equal
Al-Tihami is unique in the world
١. كما قُلتمُ والله ليس لَه نِدُّ
فإنَّ التهامي في الورَى علَمٌ فردُ
2. With him the eyes of glory and generosity sparkled in life
So generosity and glory were shaken by him
٢. به قَرَّطَرفُ المجدِ والجُودِ في الدُّنَى
فهزَّ به أعطافَه الجودُ والمجدُ
3. Whenever Al-Basha Al-Tihami is mentioned in a gathering
That gathering asks, "Has any rival perfumed?"
٣. إذا ذُكِرَ الباشا التِّهامي بمَحفِلٍ
تَساءلَ ذاك الحَفلُ هل عَبِقَ النَّدُّ
4. He has a place of high standing in every heart
Filled with love and affection
٤. هُمامٌ له في كلِّ قلبٍ مكانةٌ
رفيعةُ شأنٍ ملؤُها الحُبُّ والوُدُّ
5. When it is said who is singular in generosity and brilliance
Hands point only to Al-Tihami and do not go beyond
٥. إذا قيلَ من فَردُ المكارِم والندَى
تُشيرُ أكُفٌّ للتهامي ولا تعدُو
6. He is the sea, but its water is sweet and palatable
It has no islands or shoals
٦. هو البحرُ لكِن ماؤه العذبُ سائغٌ
وليسَ له جَزرٌ وليس له مَدُّ
7. Mouths enjoy repeating his description
And it's no wonder, for his traits are nectar
٧. وتستَعِذِبُ الأفواهُ تكرارَ وصفِه
ولا عَجَبٌ من ذَا فأوصَافُه شَهدُ
8. His abode is always a shrine for visitors
Some come at night, some come at dawn
٨. ورَبعُه للقُصَّادِ ما زال كَعبةً
فمِن طارقٍ يُمسِى ومِن طارقٍ يَغدُو
9. Happy are those who obtain his gifts, and those granted
His promise and warning
٩. يعجُّ براجٍ نيلَه وبمُختَشٍ
جَنَى إذ لهم مِنه وَعيدُه والوَعدُ
10. This gentle lion you know
Is not in a forest, no, this is the gentle lion
١٠. فما الأسدُ الوَردُ الذي تعرِفونَه
بغابٍ بلَى هَذا هوَ الأسدُ الوَردُ
11. His humility has increased his stature
As the full moon's light is not diminished by gray hair
١١. توابضُعُه قد زادَ جاهَه رفعةً
كما ضَاء بدرُ الشُّهبِ ليسَ به بُعُد
12. His virtues have exhausted my ability to count them
So neither poetry nor prose can enumerate them
١٢. صفاتُه قد أفنَى قريضِىَ عَدُّهَا
فليسَ لِشعرٍ أو لِنثرٍ لها عَدُّ
13. Blessed is my Master who has bestowed gifts on him
And inspired him to recite, "To You O Lord, all praise"
١٣. تبارك مولًَى جادَ عنه بِأنعُمٍ
وألهمَهُ ترديدَ ربِّ لكَ الحمدُ
14. He welcomes you with warmth before even meeting you
Like the sun preceded by good fortune at dawn
١٤. يُلاقيك بالتَّرحَاب قبلَ نَوالِه
كشَمسٍ لدَى الإشراقِ يَقدمُها السعدُ
15. A smile from his brow comforts my heart
And my joy lasts as long as it lasts
١٥. تُسَلِّي فُؤادِيَ طَلقَةٌ مِن جَبينِه
وتمتَدُّ أفراحِي مَتى هي تمتَدُّ
16. By God, O my heart, the morning after parting from him
You cannot bear patience far from his nearness
١٦. لكَ الله يَا قلبي غداةَ فِراقِه
فلستَ تطيقُ الصبرَ عن قُربِه بُعدُ
17. And I cannot bear patience away from a master, if
He appears before me, all I intend to do becomes clear
١٧. ولستُ أُطيقُ الصَّبرَ عن سيِدٍ إذا
بَدَا لي فكلُّ ما أرومُه لي يَبدُو
18. But wait, O my heart, for I have
Precious promises from him, known to Najd
١٨. ولكن تمَّهل يا فؤادي فإنَّ لِي
أكارِم وَعدٍ منه يعرفُها نَجدُ
19. Through that my success in my goals is certain
If the Master is pleased, then the servant succeeds
١٩. لِذاك نجَاحي في مُنانئِي محقَّقٌ
إذا رَضيَ المولَى فقَد نجَح العَبدُ
20. I repeat what I have told him before
Though repetition may be painful, like a rose
٢٠. أُكرِّرُ ما قد قلتُه له سابِقا
وقد يَعذب التَّكرَارُ إِن عذُبَ الوردُ
21. It suffices me with pride that I am a poet for one
Whose glories in the world are without limit
٢١. كَفاني فخرا أنَّنِي شاعرٌ لِمَن
مآثرُهُ بينَ الورَى ما لها حَدُّ
22. If ever a great man befits a poet
Then Al-Tihami, son of Ibrahim, is fit, he who has no equal
٢٢. إذا ما عظيمٌ صالَ يوما بشاعِر
فَصُل بابنِ إبراهيمَ من لا له نِدُّ
23. He is the unmatched poet testified by
The experts of meaning to be peerless
٢٣. هُو الشاعرُ الفردُ الذي شهِدَت لهُ
عدُولُ المعَاني أنهُ الشاعرُ الفردُ