
Who has the sweetest conversation for me, so refined are his words

من لي به حلو الحديث رزينه

1. Who has the sweetest conversation for me, so refined are his words
Like hidden pearls, shining bright

١. مَن لِي به حُلوُ الحَديثِ رَزِينُهُ
ألفاظُهُ كَاللُّولُؤِ المَكنُونِ

2. O slender figure walking proudly in white robes
Between the roots and the watchful eyes of the bushes

٢. يَا قَامةً تَختالُ فِي البيضَاءِ مَا
بينَ الجآذِرِ والظِّبَاءِ العينِ

3. Will you turn my way, when the morning breeze blows by
As is the custom of bending boughs

٣. هَل عَطفةٌ نحوي إذا مَرَّ الصَّبَا
لاَ تَنسَهَا مِن عَادَةٍ لِغُصُونِ

4. And enjoy a feast whose brilliance you have revealed
While modesty veils your radiant brow

٤. واهنَأ بِعيدٍ قد فَضَحتَ بَهَاءَهُ
وسَترتَ غُرَّتَهُ بِنُورِ جَبينِ