
They announced the death of the prince of poetry,

بنعي أمير الشعر قد واصلوا النعبا

1. They announced the death of the prince of poetry,
Until the true prince of poetry passed away.

١. بِنعي أميرِ الشِّعرِ قد واصَلوا النَّعبا
إلَى أَن أمِيرَ الشِّعرِ حقا قضَى النحبَا

2. He passed away, and the matter belongs to God alone,
For what has befallen Al-Dad, so the heart missed him.

٢. قضَى نَحبَه والأمرُ للهِ وحدُه
علَى ما أصابَ الضادَ فافتقَد القَلبا

3. And death has an arrow in Iraq that it feathers
And throws, making its arrow pierce east and west.

٣. وللموتِ سهمٌ بالعراق يُرِيشُه
ويَرمِي فيُصمي سهمَه الشرقَ والغربَا

4. The hearts of both worlds swelled at his loss,
And the realm of poetry narrowed.

٤. تلَظَّت قُلوبُ العالَمين بفقده
وضاقَ مجَال الشعرِ

5. So poetry has what the heart in its effort endures,
And the heart has what poetry laments in elegy.

٥. فللشِّعرِ ما لِلقلبِ يصبِرُ جَهدُه
وللقلبِ ما للشَّعرِ يندُبه ندبَا

6. And after this day no pillar remains with it, as
Your existence before this day was a pillar for it.

٦. ولَم يبقَ بعدَ اليومِ إربٌ لديه إذ
بقاؤُكَ قبلَ اليومِ كانَ له إربَا

7. Poetry is only a melting heart that forms it
To pour it into the heart of its listener pouring.

٧. وما الشِّعرُ إلا ذَوبُ قلبٍ تصُوغُه
لتسكُبَه في قلبِ سامِعه سَكبَا

8. And poetry is only the revelation of magic; rather, it
Has surpassed magic in capturing souls.

٨. وما الشِّعرُ إلا وحيُ سحرٍ بَل أنَّه
على السِّحرِ في أخذِ النُفُوسِ لقد أربَى

9. It appeared in secrecy and disappeared in its appearance,
And death is not a disaster if it befalls some of us,

٩. بَدا في خَفاءٍ واختفَى في ظُهورهِ

10. And its imam to some is greatest in disaster.
Beautiful Al-Zahawi, you left no poet

١٠. وما الموتُ خطبٌ إِن يُلمَّ ببعضِنا
وإمامُهُ بالبعضِ أعظِم به خَطبا

11. Of your caliber from afar, so you made him love.
And how many a poet came to me with his ode

١١. جَميلَ الزّهَاوِي ما تركتَ لِشاعِرٍ
درَّاكٍ على بُعدٍ فأفعَمتَه حُبَّا

12. So I examined it then said to him "begone!"
You rested my heart then slept and did not die,

١٢. وكَم شاعرٍ قد جَاءني بِقَريضِه
فأمعنتُ فيه ثم قلتُ له تبَّا

13. So one whose heart became his burial did not die.

١٣. تَوسَّدتَ قلبِي ثُم نِمتَ ولم تَمت
فمَا ماتَ مَن صار الفؤادُ لَهُ تِربَا