1. I confided in him after my silence,
Is not my secret with me now overt?
١. صَدعتُ بِحُبِّهِ من بَعدِ كَتمِي
أليسَ السِّرُّ مِنِّي صارَ جَهرا
2. I will be patient as much as I can be patient,
Until the Merciful fulfills the matter.
٢. سأصبِرُ ما قَدَرتُ على اصطِبَارٍ
إلى أن يَقضِىَ الرحمانُ أمرا
3. I send it to you though I do not envy you, my poetry,
While you possess it and answer with poetry.
٣. أُأُرسِلُه ولم أحسُدك شِعري
وأنتَ تَحوزُه وتُجيبُ شٍعرا
4. And I wove it to trick you into telling
Of the essence of his mouth, a verse and a verse.
٤. وصُغتَه خدعةً لي منكَ يَحكي
لِجَوهَرِ ثَغرِه شطراً وشَطرا
5. And if not for his glances inspiring you something,
I would not have made your poetry of him contain magic.
٥. ولولا لَحظُه أوحاكَ شيئاً
لمَّا أودَعتُ شِعرَكَ منهُ سِحرا
6. And if with a gesture I spoke my words,
The poem would not have been strung with pearls for you.
٦. ولو بإشارَةٍ أدَّى مَقالي
لمَا انتَظمَ القريضُ لديكَ دُراّ
7. You detain him and free me with love,
Indeed you have given me sweet and bitter.
٧. وتَحبِسُه وتُخلِصُ لي وِداداً
لقد أسقَيتَني حُلواً ومُرَّا
8. And make me three without seeing him,
While you are aware of what is in the passionate heart.
٨. وتَجعَلُنِي ثَلاثاً لا أراهُ
وأنتَ بما بِقَلبِ الصَّبِّ درى
9. And you claim you have not broken the rights of our pact,
When you have occupied my heart and thoughts.
٩. وتزعُمُ ما نقضتَ حُقوقَ عَهدي
وقد أشغَلَتني قَلباُ وفِكرَا